Thursday, September 30, 2010

Why Is The Sun...Over There?

Today was my early day. 8 AM to 4:30 PM. Yay.

Getting up early has never been easy for me, but it hasn't been as hard as for some people (*coughRyancough*). Once I'm up, I'm up, and I'm not usually too groggy. And heck, mornings can be kind of nice--there's a whole day ahead of you! The sun is still in the eastern part of the sky! Lunchtime happens around the middle of the day, for once!

Of course, this doesn't mean I'm going to become an early bird and start getting up early to jog or write or whatever. It doesn't mean I'm not going to, either, but...all I'm sayin' is, don't read too much into my appreciation of mornings.

My feet hurt, my dinner was unsatisfactory, and Ryan is at work until 10:30. All in all, the second half of the day is looking more annoying than the first half. Still, ot a bad day, overall. Just need to scrounge up some more eats...

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Food Stamps and Partners and Writing, Oh My!

New things:

[o] Got an envelope back from Indiana Department of Family Resources, I have a phone interview on October 13th at 10:30 AM. Cue nerves.
[o] Got my schedule for next week, I'm pre-closing every night, except for the night I close. No early mornings for me! Woo?
[o] One of my favorite co-workers is back from vacation! Woo!
[o] One of my other favorite co-workers is finally getting promoted! Woo!
[o] Lots of ideas for my main NaNoWriMo Story Idea buzzing around in my head. WOO!

I'm about to take my laptop into the living room so I can hang out with Sameh and Ryan while I reconstruct. I'm going to uninstall WoW and anything else that's not involved with writing or the internet, and make it my Writing Machine. Hopefully that will help it be a little less slow, and I can use it for nothing but Productive Writing Goodness. And music. :)

Tomorrow is my early day: I go in at 8 and work until 4:30. YAY. Hoping to be asleep by 11, but we'll see? Wish me luck!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

This Is Us.

Conversation with Ryan, coming home from getting dinner:

Me: I swear, I've been an odder duck than usual, lately.
Ryan: Ha, otter.
Me: Hehehehe, I'm an otter-duck! Hehehehehehehehe!
Ryan: ...that's a platypus, dear.

Monday, September 27, 2010

"Day Off."

Yesterday's entry just plain slipped out of my head. That seems to be happening a lot lately--sorry!

Today is my first "day off" this week. I don't have to "work" in that I don't have to make coffee or clean anything or serve customers today. I do, however, have to be at my store at one for the two-hour store meeting, followed by a three-hour "party" at Gino's East. I'd be less annoyed if it weren't taking up a large chunk of the middle of my day, but oh well, I'll live. I get to spend my evening with Ryan, hopefully will be able to get some Halo: Reach playing time in with Sameh...honestly, it looks to be a good day, overall. I'm not even annoyed about the meeting, and the "party" should be fun, even if one of my favorite people is on of my unfavorites is in class until almost the end of it, so it kinda-sorta evens out.

The weather is starting to get cooler. It was in the 50s yesterday, looks to be the same today; cool enough to require a hoodie, even while working. The air is starting to feel like fall, too...that crispness is there, even if 99% of the leaves are still green. Heck, when I left work last night at 11:30, the air almost felt like snow. *cross fingers that it won't come for months and months*

It's going to be weird going through a non-New England fall. I just now realized that it's not going to be the same; even if the air is crisp, and the leaves colorful, it won't be the same as Connecticut.

Off to move the laundry, continue the day, etc etc.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

That's Right....ALL The Vampires..

I should have known it was going to be an odd day when my first thought, when the alarm went off, was "Marshmallows for ALL the vampires"!

....yeah. I don't know, either. I really wish I did.

Today could have been One of Those Days, and nearly was. However, cooler heads and awesome people made it all better. Messed up drinks, irksome co-workers, and communication issues abounded--I think the best part was when I thought I had steamed the milk, but in fact handed out not one, but two ice-cold lattes. The customer's face was pretty funny, and they were pretty cool about it and didn't mind waiting for me to remake their drinks, so it was all good.

I am now pretty exhausted, but have some money crunching ahead (as well as dinner), so the night looks pretty good. Work isn't until three tomorrow (was at noon, switched with W so she could study for a test without being up until the wee hours of the morning), so I can sleep in and/or be productive. We shall see which I pick...

Friday, September 24, 2010


The To Do list continues to die! Muahahaha!

[x] Ryan's hospital financial aid forms - copied for our records and mailed off! May I take a moment to point out the immense stupidity of this department, which required so much documentation that it was all completely impossible to fit in the standard sized business-reply envelope they sent along with the form? And we weren't even to send it all. NICE PLANNING, GUYS.
[x] Food stamp application form - filled out, sent out. Tried calling the "hotline" for it earlier to ask one simple question, could not get a live person or straight answer to save my life. Found an official one online that satisfied my curiosity, sent off the form, have my fingers permanently crossed for the next, oh, month.
[x] Bank - rent money is taken out, savings have been transferred, etc etc.
[/] Oil change - technically not done yet, but the appointment has been made for this afternoon. Just need to show up, wait, pay, and leave with happy car.
[o] Headlight - lost another one, this time on the left side of my car when looking at it, need to go and buy a new one. >.< This car has gone through three headlights in the two years I've had it. Is this normal? It doesn't seem normal...
[o] Return folders to Target - the filing cabinet I bought last week? It's giving me a little trouble here and there. It's a nice enough filing cabinet, and was a great price, and is extremely useful...but it's odd. Instead of having two standard-sized drawers, it has one standard, and two "half" sized ones above it...except the "standard" one isn't even that, because the standard-sized hanging folders I bought for it yesterday won't fit, as the bracket to hang them from is at the wrong height. So I have to take the hanging ones back and buy non-hanging ones that will be content to just sit there and take it.

...That last one was long.

The final thing for today, which isn't really a To Do item, is the raid tonight at 8. I've been enjoying raiding less and less, and I'd honestly not go if it wouldn't screw Sameh over on her first turn as a raid leader. Oh well. I'll live.


Off to buy a headlamp! AutoZone, ho!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Check, Check, Check...

Having one day off is nice. Having two off in a row? So very lovely! I don't have to feel like shoving so much productivity into every minute, because, hey! There's tomorrow!

However, I'm still managing to kill off a good bit of my list:

[x] laundry - three loads of it! Including Ryan's work clothes, done before he had to leave for work!
[x] furniture rearrangement - the file cabinet I bought on Sunday (from a thrift store for 10 bucks, a good 1/3 of the price of one from Target, I am always going to thrift stores first from now on!) is now in our bedroom, holding the printer and the fan, where the crate table used to be. The crate table is now in the dining room, just off the kitchen, holding all the nonperishable snack foods so the "kitchen table" is free for food prep. Yay efficient use of space!
[x] label with all our names (well, first initial/last name combination) affixed above our mailbox so that we can get our mail, and not our neighbor. This sounds like a small To Do item, but it will hopefully be a big help in the long run.

Still on the docket for today:
[o] schedule pickup, combined with minor card reloading and drink purchasing
[o] returning pants to Meijer, mayhaps purchasing a pair that actually fit (>.<)
[o] visiting FedEx/Kinkos to copy some forms before sending them off to the St. Joseph financial office (this will hopefully also include the purchase of an envelope big enough to hold Target's stupidly-large paycheck stubs >.<)
[o] minor office supply shopping trip (the file cabinet came with some folders, but they are extremely dumb and useless)

If I can knock all these off today, tomorrow can be all about getting some WoWing in, after a call to the food stamp people, and that's all!


Yes, food stamps. No, we're not starving. No, we're not missing bills or late paying bills so we can eat. No, we won't die or get in trouble if we can't get them. Still, it would be a help--possibly a very big help. We both need some new clothes, we both have some debt we're trying to kill off inch by miserable inch, and we have some things we're trying to save for that just won't be possible with the way things are going now. Things are extremely tight, and we haven't even started paying off Ryan's hospital bills yet.

Ryan helped me see it not as taking advantage of "the system," or taking the food away from the people who really need it...but as getting the help the system is designed to give: we're working, we're participating and giving back to society, we just need a little extra boost to be able to keep doing so.

There's no pride or guilt involved. We're just going to attempt a process that could make our lives that much easier, our sleep that much sounder, our breathing that much deeper.

In other news, Ryan has finally turned his cooking experimentation towards one of my favorite foods: eggs. The past couple nights, dinner was some combination of eggs, cheese, and bacon.

I love this man.

Right--last dryer load will soon be done, after which I can set off on the Leaving The House portion of the To Do list. Whee!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So, uh...didn't update for two days bad!

Nothing bad has happened to prevent me from updating, First I was tired and just plain forgot, then last night was pretty busy (Kitty and Alex came over!), and it just never happened.

Not a whole lot has happened in those two days, of course. Work is work. Life is life. Whee?

Today I work 2 to 10:30 (unless I get to go home early, like my last two nights), then I have Thursday and Friday off! Ryan put his Friday shift up for grabs, we're hopping someone takes it so we can have that day off together. If not, oh well, but it would be nice!

...yeah, really nothing new going on. Sorry! Love y'all! :D

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Oh The Possibilities To Let Myself Down...

I've built myself a nice, long To Do List for today:

[o] laundry
[o] grocery shopping (won't happen until Ryan's off work)
[o] buying filing cabinet I found yesterday at the thrift store ($10!)
[o] hitting up some stationary store/aisle to buy post-its, Sharpies, and folders for said filing cabinet
[o] possibly buying myself a hot traveling mug from my Starbucks, while dropping off the book Kirbea lent me and maybe filling up my card at the same time
[o] cleaning and mildly rearranging our bedroom
[o] cleaning and mildly rearranging the living room
[o] taking out garbage and recycling
[o] calling Mom
[o] calling Dad
([o] calling David and Dorita is on the list for later in the week, when I know they're not busy with a show)
[o] hopefully getting in some cross-stitching later, when Ryan thinks he shall be "forced" to play Halo Reach with Sameh, and I can sit on the couch and banter with them
[o] cross-stitching may be replaced with chatting online with Chris, if I can't pull off both at once...I'mma try, though ;)
[o] outline (or at least write down) story ideas for NaNoWriMo

Aaaand off I go!

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Blah Blah Blah ARGH Blah.

Today was a pretty good day...ignoring the baby barista, who I mentioned in yesterday's entry, who just annoys and frustrates me to my very last nerve.


Tomorrow is my day off! I am so happy for this! Whee!

The best part of my day is when I can do something little for a customer. Yesterday, a man didn't have enough for a grande iced mocha, but he did have enough for a grande iced latte. I made him the mocha anyway, for not getting angry at me about the price as SO MANY OTHER PEOPLE DO.

Today, I gave a regular a grande coffee instead of a tall. He comes in a lot, and looks like he has a lot of trouble...exhaustion lines on his face, sunburned, bad skin, dusty clothes. I have the vibe that he's either homeless or "just" impoverished. He only ever gets coffee, except when he has a treat receipt, then he can afford something a little nicer, like a frappuccino. He's always very polite and nice to me, and I worry for him, so I try and "supersize" when I can to brighten his day.

For the most part I "reward" people for not being angry, not being jerks, or not giving me attitude when other people readily will. Call it a Good Human reward. :)

Off to food!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Nothing like reading about major upheavals in friends' lives to make you re-examine yours. I'm not pregnant, unemployed, or newly life is actually pretty steady, if unexciting and toeing the line of soul-killingly dull. Yay?

Today was...up and down. Newest coworker is a puppy. He follows us around and yips and doesn't want to take things seriously and uggggh. On the other side, he's a good kid. Wants to learn, wants to help...just doesn't ever react seriously to being told to do something, or how to do something.

And when I say that he's a good kid, I mean that...the kid part especially. He's eighteen. I have never felt so old in my life. I know my parents, relatives, and "older" friends are all rolling their eyes at my right now, but G'AH. I haven't seen that much energy since my junior year of high school, and I really hope it wasn't as annoying to anyone then as his is to me now. It's just...the lack of maturity--real maturity, not just no-more-telling-fart-jokes maturity, because come on, farts are funny--is startling and impossible to avoid.

Throw in the next-youngest partner, who is 19, and have her trying to teach him things, when she takes crap from No One and he's Mr. Snarky Pants and they're both working drive-thru and aaaaaaa IS IT TIME FOR MY BREAK YET.

But anyway. Good kid. Just...hard to take for 6 1/2 hours.

Oh, and he's from a right-wing, Republican, Christian, home-schooling, seven-kids-parents-still-together "nuclear" family. He thinks "hippie" is a dirty word, and I haven't even mentioned the bisexual Pagan part yet. FUNTIMES.

The day was pretty busy. This is good and bad. Good because we did pretty well on tips, and the day went pretty quickly, and I like it when it's busy and there's a line of drinks on the bar and I'm just knockin' 'em down and kickin' butt. Bad because it was exhausting. Also, I didn't get my first ten minute break for three hours, my lunch for 6 hours, or my last ten...ever (for the record, the first ten is supposed to be around two hours in, your lunch fourish hours in, last ten two hours or so after that). BJ and Sameh have this happen to them all the time, because they work at stores that are far and away busier than mine, but it was still exhausting. And boy was I starving by the time lunch rolled around.

Tomorrow is hit-or-miss, first Saturday since school came back on with no home game, so we'll see how busy it is or isn't. Sunday is my day off, and I am counting the minutes.

Next week is basically the same as this week, working pre-closing shifts all week. I have Thursday and Friday off, so I'll have a "weekend," which is nice, even if I'm hoping someone will switch me so I can have Wednesday off at the same time as Ryan...

...that's a long sentence, and I think it's time to stop typing now. Until tomorrow!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Yay Life.

Yesterday's lack of update was a combination of tired and nothing to really talk about. There wasn't much to talk about today, either. There are rumors flying about different personnel changes that are too founded in speculation to really talk about, and that's pretty much the only excitement.

Sorry. I'll try and be more entertaining tomorrow. :)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


My day:

[o] Did laundry
[o] Fetched tips
[o] Got some minor grocery items at Target
[o] Snuck in a Ryan visit while getting said grocery items at said Target
[o] Cross-stitched a little something after not picking up a needle for months

...That's really about it. My life is boring sometimes.

And yet, not a bad day off. I didn't have to serve rude customers, sweep floors, or wash dishes. That's a pretty good day right there.

Tomorrow is back to work, which is fine. It's also Ryan's first 6+ hour day, from 3 to 10:30. He's really not looking forward to it, and hoping beyond hope that the "good" manager will be on so he can beg to do something else, anything else, than just cashiering.

My next day off is Sunday, and I have no idea what next week looks like yet. The Ironwood store lost two people this week, so a few of us may be shunted over there to help out. I'm hoping I don't get many hours over there...the partners are nice and all, but the store is just plain designed badly, and I swear, the customers are just a little bit meaner, more rude, and possibly dumber. I like my store quite a lot, and would possibly straight-out quit if I was permanently transferred to another store. But who knows.

Anyway...funtimes are occurring in the living room, and there are fresh-out-of-the-oven cookies, so off I go!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Doo Dee Doo...

Sorry, I was so tired yesterday I just completely forgot to make a post. Not that my day was very exciting, beyond work being pretty busy for the first few hours, with periods of pretty busy for the rest of the day.

Highlight of the day: Ryan's dinner. A turkey sandwich....where he soaked the turkey in chicken stock, made a cranberry vinaigrette (from scratch!) to put on the French bread, and toasted the whole thing in the oven so the cheese would get all nice and melted.

This man is very, very good with food. It was like Thanksgiving in a sandwich. Om nom nom nom.

I've had Mondays off the past while, but it got changed up this week. I have Tuesday and Sunday off instead of Monday and Friday. The only really annoying thing about this is that Ryan has today off, the one time I don't. Grr.

The cough is slowly....slowly going away. I spent most of the day attempting to clear my throat, but that's still way better than hacking my lungs out. Although I still did that a few times. Whatever, I'm almost healthy again! Woo!

Off to try and drag some creativity out of my brain before going off to work...ciao!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Just Sayin'.

When a partner works on a day that the corporation deems a holiday (which is most of the appropriate ones: Christmas, Thanksgiving, etc), he or she gets paid time and a half. I assume that it's a compensation for having to work on a day one would typically spend with family.

I believe compensation is also appropriate for anyone working on a day where the crowds are larger than a store is used to, and a partner has to work harder, faster, and possibly longer than they usually would.

To make a long story short: Game days should get time and a half pay. Just sayin'.

Today was actually pretty good--it was never HOLYSHITWE'REGONNADIE busy, just Fairly Bustling at times. At other times, it was dead enough to get a lot of prep and cleaning done, which will no doubt make closing way easier for M and JC.

The highlight of the day was Ryan's visit after he got off work. I had mentioned yesterday that I seemed to be the only one at work without a black hoodie ready to throw on when it got cold. It wasn't a complaint, just a statement. Well, after get clocked out, he went and bought me one, and came by to drop it off for me.

Yes, he really is the best ever. And he's all mine, no matter what the cat says.

*I totally spelled that "Asterix" the first time and immediately searched for the internet and will be watching this as soon as I finish writing this entry. Eeee!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Back To Mah Roots.

Well, I didn't get my oil changed, but we did get groceries, and I did get my hair back to its natural color, and I even have the next few books for the Sword of Truth series, thanks to my lovely boss.

Rest of the night is raid, tomorrow is a game day (Notre Dame vs Michigan, yay.), nexxt day off is Tuesday. All next week I'm pre-closing, and I'm not sure how to feel about it...yay, I don't have to close, but grr, I spend all evening at work. At least it's made better by the fact that Ryan is also working afternoons/evenings next week, so we'll have pre-work times to hang out, and we can stay up later together. Always good.

As I said, tonight is raid, so off I go...

Am I Worse At This When Tipsy, Or Better? You Decide!

Today, I was less cranky.

More tired, but still, less cranky. In fact, the day was pretty good up until the last 10 minutes of work--10 minutes past when I supposed to log out, as it happens. Those last ten minutes were not "bad," really, just frustrating, and not for any reason that's anyone's fault. Just lots of drink + one new barista + only one bar to make said drinks. Oy.

After this last ten minutes of frustration, I came home, ate a delicious dinner made by my beyond-wonderful boyfriend, and drank almost an entire bottle of white zinfandel.

I say "almost" because Sameh also had a glass.

I am now extremely tired, and can't seem to keep my head up straight. And I mean that literally: I am writing this with my head cocked to the right, for some reason. Putting it upright just makes me more dizzy. No, not dizzy....more dizzy.

I think it's time for bed now.

Tomorrow is my day off, as well as Ryan's. We're going grocery shopping, getting the oil changed for my car, and possibly getting my hair finally dyed back to its natural color. That last depends on the size of my paycheck.

Sleeping will continue until I wake without aid of alarm clocks. It will be glorious.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I didn't update last night because I was extremely cranky.

I am officially angry with this cold.

First it knocked my boyfriend out for a good three days, scaring the hell out of me after the hospital incident.

Then it hung around for a week, making me feel like crap. Work was miserable. Sleeping was miserable. Existing was miserable.

Now, it's mostly gone...except for the cough.

I will admit, grudgingly, that the cough has gotten better in that it's not completely constant. However, it's still pretty damned consistent. It has been ignoring medicine, ignoring juice, ignoring tea, ignoring water, ignoring everything. It interrupts me when I'm trying to do things like talk or breathe. I wouldn't be surprised if it scared off customers yesterday. It tickles and hurts my throat without the benefit of actually evacuating it of the offensive material.

I also still have some sniffles, but those are at least showing a distinct trend toward going the hell away. This cough seems to have moved in and settled down. Work yesterday consisted of manning drive through while spending half my time with my mouth buried in my elbow, trying not to scare too many customers...or co-workers. This made work difficult, to say the least.

So, yeah, when I got home after an annoying day, with the annoyance living in my chest, exhausted and ready to rip my own throat out to make it freaking stop....I didn't really feel like posting.

Sorry about that. I do feel better today. I got up early for the sole purpose of being productive, which is kinda nice. I've done laundry (the main reason for getting up), written in my diary (so incredibly beneficial, holy man), and signed up for NaNoWriMo.

Yes, NaNoWriMo is in November, so I'm way, way early. I figured it couldn't hurt to start early, as starting late would put a big crimp in the plans.

For those who don't know, NaNoWriMo is a yearly event, taking place during the entire month of November, where writers all over the world attempt to craft a novel, from scratch. The rules are that you can't have any written material before November 1st (not counting outlines, character sketches, research, that kind of thing), and the novel has to be 50,000 words long to count as completed. As it says on the site, win or lose, you rock for even trying.

The idea of having nothing before setting out into such a goal is, well, scary. I don't do well with pre-story-writing prep, like plot outlines or character ideas. As I fully realized this morning (yay diary writing!), I do better when I start with a scene in my head and go from there. Planning it all out...I'm not sure if I can do that.

At the same time, I know that if I sit down on November 1st with absolutely nothing, I am not going to have the slightest hope of succeeding. Yes, my chances are slim anyway, but there's no reason to throw in the towel before the game has even started.

So, I'm giving myself until then to put together the structure, without allowing myself to furnish it until the clock starts ticking. We'll see how this goes...

Monday, September 6, 2010

She Was....Volatile.

Well, I never got around to visiting my Starbucks to ask my store manager for the next Sword of Truth book. I did a bunch of laundry, though, and cleaned up our room a bit, and even relaxed on the bed for a little while, just reading magazines I've fallen behind on, chomping on some edamame. Not a bad day off.

...that's really all I got.

Oh! Ryan, Sameh and I watched The Losers tonight. Not a bad action flick--army guys that done been wronged trying to get revenge, hot chick with guns and rockets. Not the most intellectual movie, but it certainly had some moments, and, most important of all, it was fun!

Tomorrow is back to work, Friday's the next day off--and it's Ryan's day off, too! Best thing ever :) For now, more reading and relaxin' in the last few hours of freedom...

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Compromise ls Golden.

I really enjoyed working at the Ironwood store today. The store is designed crappily and completely backwards, but the people were very nice and great to work with. :)

Tomorrow is my day off. I have two plans: laundry*, and visiting my store to ask my store manager if I can borrow the next book of the series I'm reading, which she high-fived me for reading. It shall be a busy...busy day.

*In what may one of the smartest moments of our relationship yet, Ryan and I agreed to trade off on chores we absolutely deplore in exchange for ones we don't mind. I am now in charge of laundry, and Ryan does our dishes. I am more happy about this new arrangement than should be allowed.

Despite getting out of work almost an hour early, I've had a long day. To bed!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Half Distinct.

The rush today was, from what I was told, done before I even arrived. We were a bit busier than usual for quite a while, but quieted down quite a bit once the game started (for those who care, Notre Dame buried Purdue, something like 23 to 17?).

The traffic getting home was ridiculous. I left at 8 and didn't get home for half an hour. At one point, while in standstill traffic on Cleveland Road, I took a side road in a desperate attempt to bypass the traffic light I was attempting to reach...and ended up back on Cleveland, behind the exact same car as before.

I laughed and laughed...

Pomplamoose has been my honest obsession the past few days. I had it in my head all day, after having their YouTube channel on loop during last night's ICC raid in WoW. This song, in particular, has been stuck in my head. It's called "Another Day," and I like it for several reasons.

First, it's a great song. Second, I have a tendency to play the music videos in my head while listening/thinking of songs, and this video makes me happy to think about. Something about their enthusiasm--especially recording the stomps and claps--just makes me glad.

Third, and finally, the lyrics are great, and they remind me of my relationship:

Another day
Shows its face
I'm half awake
Half in space
And if you told me I was beautiful well that would just be in poor taste

Another hour
Flying by
I've yet to shower
Yet to dry
And if you told me I was wonderful I probably would wonder why

I am yours
You are mine
I am yours
You are mine
So it's alright

Another plate
In the sink
We're half the same
Half distinct
And if you told me I was perfect I'd assume you'd had too much too drink

Another day
Fades away
We're half asleep
Half in space
And if you told me we were dreaming I would pinch you to prove we're awake
Yeah if you told me we were dreaming I would pinch you to prove we're awake
Yeah if you told me we were dreaming I would pinch you to prove we're awake
If you told me we were dreaming I would pinch you to prove we're awake
Yeah if you told me we were dreaming I would pinch you to prove we're awake

I think this song reflects us fairly well. If he told me was I beautiful when I was still in Full Morning Grog, I would give him a dirty look. If he told me we were dreaming, I wouldn't hesitate to pinch him, just to make the point. Then giggle when he gave me a Look for it.

I love us. :)

It feels like tomorrow is a day off, but it's not; I work at Ironwood (Sameh's Starbucks!) from 3 to 11:30. I'm apprehensive about closing at another store, but I'll live. Then it'll be Monday, and that is my day off, and I'll like that. Hee.

(Also holy crap check out Pomplamoose's cover of Beat It, it's fantastic.)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Wish Me Luck?

Today was a pretty good day off. I got up fairly early (well, early for me, 9ish), and spent the morning cleaning up our bedroom and the living room, and getting the laundry done. It's great to feel accomplished, especially over something that has built up over two weeks...sick people aren't the greatest cleaners >.<

Speaking of which, I seem to be 99% better, with that 1% representing a continuously dripping nose and continuously tickling throat. Both are quite annoying, and add up to gross behavior that I have to keep in track while at work. Argh.

Tomorrow is not only the first home game for Notre Dame (against Purdue, if you care about that kind of thing), it's my first football game at Starbucks. My co-workers of course scared the daylights out of me about it, but I will make sure to follow their advice and stay where I'm put. I have a tendency to try and help out wherever it's needed, whether that means making a drink for drive-thru while I'm front, or warming a sandwich for front when I'm drive-thru, or what-have-you. They said that really, the best thing to do in a rush is to just stay put and do your given task, whether it's barring, register, or just brewing endless urns of coffee. I'm hoping that I'm put on front register, as I can see myself getting overwhelmed both quickly and easily if it really is a scary rush of people.

I might try a Wii Fit workout tomorrow morning...household schedules seem to be more or less set, finally, so I can be sure that I'm not going to accidentally force my sweaty, workout-clothes-clad self on anyone's eyes. If I can get back into the habit, that'd be great--convenient, free, customizable, etc etc. If not, I will be giving Curves a stern try.

For now, to bed, to attempt to arise early again tomorrow!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum, Bum Bum Bum Bum Bum!

Today was a normal sort of day. The only things that stand out, I won't be talking about, because one is a rant about two customers that no one really wants to hear, and the other is about money, which, again, no one really wants to hear about.

Tomorrow is my day off! Huzzah! There will be many a phone call to many a place, visits to bank and grocery store, and cleaning of the room and house. Further huzzah!

I am currently mildly obsessed with a band called Pomplamoose. They're a couple who record songs--original and covers--and post the making of them to YouTube, where you see every instrument, every vocalization, every source of every sound. The woman is very talented (and adorable!), the variation of instruments and "instruments" is both impressive and amusing, and there are usually little after-song clips that show the funny, human side of the couple.

Here, I shall leave you with one of my favorites, both by them and in general: The Chordettes "Mister Sandman":

(For the non-embedded-video-enabled:

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

No Longer Just Certifiable.

Today was fun and a not-genuine-but-not-quite-sarcastic-either kind of way.

I got up on time only because I'm neurotic about time. My alarm was set for 9, I was waking up and checking my phone every 15 or so minutes from 8:30 on. I was surprised to see that it was 9:05 the last time I checked, then realized that I had never taken my phone off vibrate after leaving work yesterday, so I hadn't hear it go off at 9. Whups!

Got fairly lost on my way to the Goshen store for my class, but got myself unlost at a fairly good pace. As usual, I second-guessed myself right into a wrong turn, getting off the bypass an exit too soon, only discovering this when I took the correct route back home.

The class wasn't bad at all, actually. The only other "student" was the Ironwood SM, who has also been at the company about three months. The class was mostly taught by the Goshen SM and the Main SM. It was mostly watching videos and discussing corporate principles and missions, with some coffee and pastry tasting sprinkled in. I got a Green Apron book (little booklet outlining partner goals and such) and a Tea Passport (akin to the Coffee Passport, where you jot down notes and get a stamp for each coffee you taste, except--surprise!--it's for tea), and I should be getting a special pin in the next few weeks to show that I'm certified.

Um...yay! I guess!

We got out an hour and a half early, I got to drive home in pounding rain, and spent the rest of the day chatting to Chris and poking around online, in my pajamas, while eating way too much edamame.

Tomorrow is work, and Friday is off. I am looking forward to Friday, and even to a "normal" work day tomorrow. I prefer making drinks and serving customers to all other aspects of my job, and am hoping it's a day full of just that. :)