Thursday, March 31, 2011


WOW it's been a bad week for posting! First I don't update for Sunday until 2:30 Monday morning, and now it's 2:30 on THURSDAY morning. I kinda suck at this lately.

Anyway. Nothing new. Just work and writing, as usual. I am definitely getting used to my new co-workers, and my new schedule.

It's funny. At 933, I hated closings and pre-closings, working Front, brewing coffee, and loved working mids and being in Drive-Thru. At Ireland, I don't like mids, prefer Front, am ambivalent about DT, am happy brewing coffee all day, and prefer pre-closing over just about every shift.

I think part of is the physical store, and part of it is how duties are spread out. At 933, everything got cleaned at the end of the day. The big break-downs--front bar, DT bar, cold bar--happened on the pre-closing and closing shifts. At Ireland, it's spread out through the day, so there's an even chance that I'll come in at 3:30 with only brew station and floors and basic stocking left to do.

The way 933 is designed, most of the light from the front windows hits the merchandise area and the wall on the other side of the DT bar. Very little of it makes it to the floor where we are. At Ireland, there's only a small bit of wall between a tiny piece of window and DT, and the rest floods into the cafe and behind the counter. 933 from sunset to full dark made me feel like I was in a Ireland, it feels so much bigger and brighter and more open!

Don't get me wrong. I miss 933 so freaking much, mostly for the people. I still go to write several days a week, and it's always an occasion involving squeals and hugs and "I miss your face!" Part of me still feels like I don't belong to Ireland yet, I'm only being borrowed from 933. It's hard to describe.

Long story short: I'm doing just about everything the opposite of what I liked at 933, and loving it, without there being any guilt over 933. Yay!

Tomorrow (er, today) and Friday are days off. Woohoo! Tomorrow is writing and photo editing! Friday is probably more of the same, plus added hang outs with Aurelie and her borrowed puppy! Woo!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Almost Did It Again!

It wasn't until almost noon that I realized I hadn't written a post for Saturday. And now, it's past 2:30 in the morning, about to go to bed, and I realize I almost did it again. G'ah!

Obviously, my schedule is slewing toward the late end of things again. However, as opposed to my reaction when it started happening last fall at 933, I'm almost okay with it. It's complicated, but I think it boils down to finally being okay with how I spend my time. I don't have to jump out of bed at 9 every morning and get everything done before noon or I'm a complete loser (and seriously, looking at my parents, where did that come from?).

I didn't have work until 3 today. I slept until 10:30, lazed in bed until 11, then spent the next half an hour getting ready, only to spend my last 15 minutes before leaving out on the balcony, on my knees taking pictures of the distressed wood in the bright sunshine.

I was at 933 from around 12:30 to around 2:30. The first half an hour was spent catching up with AD on her meal break, then I wrote for the rest of the time. Actually, it was partly writing and partly fixing and planning and thinking, with some socialization mixed in as well.

I spent my free time before clocking in at 3 sleeping, prepping, arting, and socializing. A year ago, or even a few months ago, I would have been guilting the crap out of myself for "not getting anything done." Hell, even if I did nothing but go in and work for eight hours, then come home and eat and crash, I would chastise myself for not getting some dishes done, not getting up earlier to do laundry, some bullsh like that.

It does help that I usually don't sleep later than 11, which means most days I have at least an hour to do something. That something usually ends up being dishes or poking at art one way or another, and that's okay. My god, that's liberating!

Of course, this line of thinking is thoroughly helped by the fact that I just finished watching The Devil Wears Prada, in which the heroine (Anne Hathaway) battles between her job and her integrity--did I mention she wants to be a writer, and starts the movie with zero interest in clothes or fashion? Ye-ah.

Anyway. Fantastic movie. Meryl Streep is beyond words. Life is stresful but more or less good. I'm still alive.

...yeah. :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Days Off, With Myself and With Others.

Yesterday's day off consisted of sitting at 933 for several hours trying desperately to piece my story together after getting advice from Ryan on character psychology. However, I couldn't remember most of said advice, so basically it was several hours of socializing and beating my head against the keyboard.

Then I went home, Ryan and I had dinner, he and I watched Get Shorty, and the household watched Megamind when everyone was home. Both were good, the second was definitely the most entertaining.

Today's day off was grocery shopping with Ryan, watching Project Runawy re-runs with Ryan and BJ, then BJ and Aurelie and I going to 933 and hanging out with LeAnna, her boyfriend Brandon, with occasional socializing from E, J, and BS, who were all working at the time, and a quick surprise stop-in from Kitty and Alex. Lots of laughing, lots of fun.

E may come over later to hang out, but we'll see. Until then, I'm not sure what I'm doing besides eating dinner and maybe poking at the book some more, now that I've re-questioned Ryan on the psych advice and have more of a game plan.

Tomorrow I work two more hours to help New Boss Lady cover our currently manager-less store, meaning I lost some writing time but gained some money. Yay!

Sunday, though...Sunday is writing time!

Then next week it all begins again and I lose my mind. Whee!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thoughts on Driving In Indiana.

Recently I've noticed that, since moving to Indiana, I pay less attention to traffic lights.

Don't worry: I slow when it's yellow, stop when it's red, go when it's green. But, unless I am the first in line (a rarity), I don't watch the light as much as I used to. I pay attention to cars more than before--I follow the lead of the one in front of me in lieu of watching the light, I keep an awareness on the ones to either side, I keep half an eye on those ahead turning from side streets or parking lots.

I am surrounded with more cars on a daily basis than ever before in my life--and this is taking into considering that I was on the highway 100% more often in Connecticut than here. Last week I gave a friend a ride to the South Bend airport after following her to her home in Goshen, meaning two long trips on the bypass. It was one of only two times I've been on anything resembling a highway since we got off 80/90 last May and first drove down our street. It took me way too long to realize--oh, right, I have to go 60 now! AAA THIS IS SO FAST AAAA.

Anyway--more cars. Which means more people. Which means more opportunity for miscommunication and accidents. And did I mention this is a college town? The number of times I glance over and see a cell phone in the driver's hand, either next to their head or in front of their face, is terrifying. So I watch cars.

As I said, I pay less attention to traffic lights. I also pay less attention to, well, anything that isn't a car. I don't watch the sides of the road in case a squirrel or deer decides to try and play chicken with my car. I've only seen one deer since arriving--it launched itself out of the woods on Ironwood one rainy night last summer, glancing off my front right bumper as I slammed on the brakes and disappearing into the bushes on the other side--and almost no squirrels, chipmunks, groundhogs, etc. Beside the deer, I've only ever had to brake for other cars and a single dog, a tiny Shitzu lost on a residential street.

The roads are straight and level, so there's no blind corners to watch carefully in case of surprises on the far side. I no longer drive down the one "wooded" section (also dead-straight), and when I did I only had that one incident with the deer. The biggest danger here is other cars.

I think about Connecticut roads--89, 74, 44--and heave deep sighs of longing. There is one--one--mildly swooping piece of road here. It's on Cleveland just past 933, less than a quarter mile long, and gave me an honest-to-God Connecticut flashback the first time I went down it. I will grudgingly admit that, only 90% of the roads are completely straight, but that other 10% is not curvy so much as...jagged and indecisive. As if the two stubborn city planners met up along an intersection and neither one wanted to budge the rest of their maps over a few yards.

Changing subjects slightly, from road differences to weather differences: winter was, as warned, much harsher here. I saw more snow from October to February than I ever saw in five Connecticut winters. However, as much snow as there was, it was almost entirely light and fluffy, almost inconsequential. Shoveling it took a tiny fraction of the time it would in Connecticut, even when the car was out of sight when you started.

The summer was surprisingly hot and humid, the temperature hitting the 90's regularly. I was told about "solar days," when citizens are warned to stay out of direct sunlight as much as possible to avoid the intense UV rays. Fall was a blink, a week or two of mild weather between scorching and freezing.

Sunny days are gorgeous, barely a cloud in the bright blue sky. It never breezes but it blows, never rains but it floods. To sum up: weather in Indiana means it.

Some things never change, however. I am pleased to discover that, despite the intensity of Midwest weather, despite being 800 miles away from the place I spent all my Marches and Aprils and Mays for the past 25 years...spring still feels the same.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Fairly annoying work day. There was a ridiculous rush that involved our shift going on his meal, only two of us on the floor, slammed in front AND drive-thru, I spilled not one but TWO drinks, just....ugggggggghhhhhhh. Also, I'm not sure one of the shifts likes me. He's moody and gets a weird attitude with me sometimes. No idea.

I'm exhausted. It feels like a month since my last day off, instead of five days. Oy.

Tomorrow's plan: writing, mad texting with Aurelie (back from vacation, yayyyy!), possible massive amount of laundry. Oh, and sleep.

Such an exciting life!
Apologies for lack of updates. It's been fairly boring the past two days. Workin' away...the usual stuff.

Tomorrow is an...interesting co-worker line-up, and then I have two days off, one of which will involve Aurelie and LeAnna, two of my favorite Starbuckians :)

For now: good night!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Climbing Back Up...

Another good day.

Didn't get enough sleep despite sleeping until 11:30, but that's okay. Took some pictures before heading out, since the sun was obliging.

Had just over two hours of writing time before work, and managed to get a good amount of work done. Work was with all cool people, and I ended up being let off early since there would have been four of us there until 9 with everything done at 7. So I got more writing time over at 933! :D

On an odd side note, I left in the wrong direction (the short way home as opposed to the short way to 933), and turned around in the parking lot of an abandoned church I've been eying on the way to work for a while now. There's interesting graffiti, interesting brickwork, nifty-looking banged up and boarded windows and stuff like that...basically, with the right weather, there's a chance this place could be a photographic goldmine.

I know. I'm strange.

I have the same shift tomorrow, with even more awesome people to work with. Yay :)

Friday, March 18, 2011

I Wore Shorts! In March! For A Whole Half Hour!

Today was a good day, a glad-I'm-alive day. Gorgeous weather, everyone in the apartment off from work, going out and shopping with everyone, being silly and ridiculous and having fun.

Biggest accomplishment for the day was a household one: BJ was finally able to buy the drafting table he's wanted for a good year now. We all brought it home, Sameh set it up, BJ and Ryan rearranged the living room to accommodate, and I helped everyone in turn as I did a million tons of laundry. I also drove the car home when it was stuffed with four adults and a large table, so hey--I helped!

A mutual friend of everyone, Jen, came over for a little while to hang out. We had decided to watch the third season of True Blood, but for some reason we had the entire season recorded to DVR except for the very first one. >.<

Tomorrow is back to work for everyone. Boo. I don't go on until 3, so my plan is to camp out somewhere and write until then. Actually, that's the plan for both days this weekend. Score. :)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Quick & Green.

Happy St. Patrick's Day! I haven't gotten dressed yet, but I'm in a green bathrobe, so that counts for now, right?

Yesterday was sleeping in, stressing out, grocery shopping, work, raging at work stuff, hanging out with roommates, and randomly watching Sweeney Todd at 2 in the morning.

Today is giving Aurelie a ride to the bus station, then maybe writing.

Tomorrow is more maybe-writing, and hanging out with Jen.

Then it's back to work.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Working And Sleeping And Writing, Oh My!


Yesterday and today had Ryan on opening shift at Target. That means getting up at 7. We're not really early-to-bed birds at all, and I always woke up when he did even thought I didn't have to, so sleep has been rough for both of us the past two nights, for Ryan moreso than me.

Today was my mid-shift this week, which I traded for. I regretted it most of the day. Getting up at 10 after falling back asleep around 8 was painful, and it was...stupidly busy all day. Plus shifts not paying attention to breaks...argh. Just a stupid day all around.

Aurelie and I were going to hang out, but decided that today sucked too much for both of us, and we hated the world too much to be sociable. I still hiked it over to 933 when I got off at 5:30, as writing isn't a social exercise, and found Aurelie still there (she got off at 5), hanging out with BJ and Sameh. We both "tsked" at each other jokingly, we all hung out for a little bit, and then went our separate ways. BJ and Sameh continued on their day-off shopping excursion, Aurelie went off to the Post Office and a night at home, and I settled in for some writing.

And I actually got some done! I was distracted by the interwebs more than I'd like to admit to, but I still managed to pull out...I dunno, some number. All I know is that the current total is 8,738, which isn't too shabby.

This writing streak has been...fantastic. After beating my head against Found for November and most of January, then kick-starting On The/Running only to resort to head-beating by mid-February, this seemingly random spurt of writing with almost no effort is refreshing and wonderful. I'm not sure what's going on--whether the muse decided I needed a break from frustration or I figured out how to get out of my own way or whatever--but I know that I don't care. I'm going to keep milking this while it's goin'!

Something else I find baffling: I'm beginning to like late shifts. I know: bwah?, but really. The night people are slightly less...I don't know...chipper? than the morning people (who are lovely but make me feel like I'm an utter grump by comparison). Plus I'm better at writing before work than after (today was a possible fluke), and, well, I like sleep.

There are other differences, but they're hard to put a finger on. And maybe I'll change my mind. We'll see. For now, seeing that it's currently working to my advantage AND next week's schedule is all pre-closing, I'll just run with it.

Where was I...oh yes. After wrapping up at 933, I came home, where I've been catching up and inputting financials and whatnot. The roommates finally returned a little while ago, and they brought home:

[o] a Lady Gaga poster to add to the collection above the living room couch
[o] the newest Pokemon DS game for Ryan
[o] and a Teavana tea tumbler for me

We have the nicest roommates. Ever. :D

Now, I'm off to either read some more, write some more, or watch some more Weeds with Ryan. Tomorrow is a closing shift for me and a day off for Ryan, so the only guarantee is no-alarm sleeping. BLISS.

Monday, March 14, 2011


Good day. Good people. Some writing. Good dinner.

Up early tomorrow. Need sleep. Love!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

I've Needed One Recently!

Today was a pretty good day. :)

First off, my friends Derek and Brittany had their baby girl, Hazel, at 12:34 this morning. :D

Second, I had a chance to write at 933, where I visited a bit with Aurelie and BJ, and got 800 words done. Go me!

Third, it was super busy when I got to work, and they immediately put me on bar, which is where I thrive when it's busy. So much fun!

Fourth, I pre-closed with E and Shift L, two very fun people to work with :)

And now, I'm home and fed, Ryan and I are about to watch the finale to season three of Weeds and then sleep! Good night!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Push Her Out, Push Her Out, Wayyyyy Out!

It's been a long and uneventful day. Well, not completely uneventful, just not actually interestingly eventful.

I did laundry, Ryan made Alton Brown's French toast, I had work, blah blah blah.

The most exciting part of the day is that a friend of mine is having/had a baby. Derek was a shift at 933 that got moved to Ironwood, and his wife, Brittany, got transferred in the reverse direction. I got a text this morning that she went into labor with their daughter (Hazel!), and he updated on Facebook that he was going to be a dad today, but that was five hours ago. I want pictures! I want a birth announcement! Sheesh...;)

The rest of the night will involve putting away the laundry (which I took out of the dryer just as I had to leave and spread over the bed to not wrinkle), eating dinner, and, uh, sleeping. Whee!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Love & Technology: Closing The Distance.

Since coming to Indiana, I have made several new friends. Many of them, especially Aurelie, prefer communication via text when not in person (and sometimes both...cuz we're sillies). My inbox fills up on a near-daily basis.

Also since coming to Indiana, and getting the new phone, I've had about a large and ever-increasing number of texts locked and saved in my inbox. Most of them are from friends and family in Connecticut, bits and pieces of innocuous conversations that either encapsulate that person's place in my life perfectly, or just simple messages saying they love and/or miss me.

I'm going through my inbox now, including the locked ones. And I'm realizing that I don't need to keep every single text from a missed person that reaffirms that they care about me.

I know they do. I'm secure in that. I'm not afraid that I've lost them, that I've chased them away or walled them off or anything. I'm 800 miles away, haven't seen them in 9 months and counting, and I still trust both them and their friendship completely. In some cases, even more than I did a year ago.

As odd as it sounds, deleting the texts is therapeutic. I don't need the talismans anymore. I have the faith. I have the knowledge.

They such fantastic things to have.

Me Oh My.

Apologies for lack of update yesterday. I got kinda tired and cranky last night, and no one should have to listen to (or read) me when I'm like that.

Pity Ryan.

I'm actually kinda cranky at the moment, albeit for different reasons, and I'm less angsty to the point where I'd write about it. Suffice to say: argh.

On the Good News front: I WROTE TODAY. For the first time in...a while. Just shy of 1,400 words in just over an hour. Over 6K words now! Whee!

I also got to work at 933 today, which was...good and bad. I've basically decided that I shouldn't cover over there again for a month or so, it's just...hard being there right now. In the metaphor Ryan created where this whole transfer thing is like a break up, I'm attempting to hang out with an ex and be cool about it, and I just can't do it yet.

Tomorrow and Sunday are the same schedule as today (3:30 to 9:30, although at Ireland. I definitely want to do what I did today, going somewhere before work and getting some writing done. What I can't decide is where to go. Aurelie wants me to go to the Goshen Starbucks, since she has the day off and lives there and we could hang a bit, but it's 40 minutes away down the bypass, so...*shrug* 933 is still a possibility, as writing there wasn't as painful as working there.

Also on the yay side of things: I made meringues sometime last week, but no one in the house has been eating them, so I brought them in to 933 today. They were...kinda scarfed. :D

If you're wondering why they're still good a week later: we have a time capsule! Kittie made BJ and Ryan a birthday cheesecake in November, presented in a glass cake dish that was also a present. When the cheesecake was done, it got cleaned and stood on the dining room table. One day, someone was neatening, there was a single apple on the table, and the apple was put inside the dish. Where it stayed for quite a long time...and never rotted. Or withered. Or anything.

The dish has since been used to house just about every baked thing in the house, because damn does it keep stuff fresh! It's magic!

...yeah, I've gone a bit nutty from hunger and tireness. I think it's time to have some of the pizza that just left the oven, then nom the cake pop I brought home, get ready for bed, and read for the next few hours.

...yeah...that sounds nice...:)

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Bounding and Bounding and Bounding...

I'm tired and sore. Sleep was rough last night, and I had a long day, so I'm completely exhausted. I had the stressful pre-closing shift and had a couple of small but unexpected expenses come up, so my body is a mass of knots.

Frustrations abound.

I would kill to be able to take a week off of work, just to sleep and think and sit out of the endless cycle for just five minutes.


The funny (or sad?) thing is, I didn't have a bad day.

I'm just exhausted. And frustrations abound.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

I'm A Little Tired...And A Little Spacey...Not That It's Obvious Or Anything...

Today started out kinda rough. But then it got better!

Not a lot of sleep. Up early for work. Started off my work day with my new boss (who honestly intimidates me) telling me to make some mocha, which I then royally screwed up and made a huge mess of. Fortunately, no one seemed to mind, or even really notice.

Today was the 40th Anniversary for Starbucks, which means PROMOTION! New cups, new sleeves, new coffee, new merchandise, new EEEEEVERYTHING!

I even got a new partner card...which is actually my first partner card. It has my name. And my partner number. And I can load it with money. And it's all spiffy and new. Hee.

I ended my shift with live music! A duo who call themselves The Bergamot came to our store and entertained from four until...I don't know, some point in the evening. They were very good and very nice. I left as they were felt like a movie.

My new partner card was sent to my old store, which meant I had to go visit...;) I was greeted with hugs and smiles and gossip and all that good stuff :)

Then I came home and made myself mac n cheese and attempted to do laundry and have been reading The Stand instead. The life of a tired nerd.

The lovely visit with lovely people gave me another lovely kick in the rear. I need to devote more time to setting up the shop and writing and all that...I need to keep up with my friends at 933...I need to combine the two! For example: I don't work until 1 tomorrow. I'm going to get up earlyish and spend some hours at 933 before I go to work. *firm nod*

For now, I'm going to reattempt laundry (and hopefully succeed this time) and read some more. Whee.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Delayed Post Due To Recovering From Insanity.

Sunday. Was. Ridiculous.

Insanely busy.
Ran out of soy milk.
Ran out of whipped creams.
Computers crashed. Twice.
We spent two to three hours giving drinks away because we couldn't charge anyone.
I barred the entire time. And loved every second of it.

Three different co-workers told me I rocked it :) Meanwhile, Shift N is insane--she was on the phone with tech support while taking orders for front, smiling the whole time. She's also very pregnant. And had been there for seven hours, from six in the morning. Insane.

This week is going to be long. Eight hour pre-closing shifts today and Wednesday, six hour shift starting at 10:30 tomorrow, three identical six-hour pre-closing shifts Friday through Sunday. And, as you might have noticed, only one day off. I had Thursday and Friday off, but I picked up a Friday shift at my old store to help out. Extra hours when we're broke? At my beloved 933? Yes.

In other news, Ryan and I baked last night. He made chocolate chip muffins, and I made meringues again. Nom all around. :)

Work soonish, so breakfast and such now. Whee.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Just Another Day.

I have a feeling I won't have enough energy to post tonight, so here I am!

So far today I've taken a shower, caused butter to bust into flame by putting it into a pan that was WAY too hot while trying to make pancakes, made pancakes (half regular, half peanut butter, with one chocolate chip for Ryan), cleaned some dishes, and tweaked my money spreadsheet.

May make muffins tonight after work. Not sure.

Have to leave in 20 minutes for work. Six hour closing shift. Ugh.

Tomorrow should be better in terms of hours--11 to 7:30, mid-shift, hits the busiest times and has the least amount of cleaning.

It's gray outside. And snowing. At least it's not cold enough to stick?

I'm not very exciting today. Oh well! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Back...For A Bit.

Originally, this was my third day off this week, thanks to a miscommunication with Boss Lady passed on to New Boss Lady. However, I checked the schedule my last day at my old store, saw that LW had a small number of hours in the middle of a day I had off, and asked if she was attached to them.

So today I worked at my old store, the store that feels like home. It wasn't a fantastic day--the weather was crappy, I was tired, people were cranky, customers were stupid--but it was still nice to be back, even just for six hours.

After work, Ryan and I grabbed groceries. Then I met Aurelie at the Main & Douglas, where she studied and I researched and we ate Chinese and hung out.

Tomorrow night I close at my new store. Blergh.
Sunday is a mid shift, which I prefer, but it is 8 hours long, which I'm still getting re-used to. Also blergh.

I can't wait until the adjustment period is over.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Second Day At New Work.

My second day at Ireland & Miami went...pretty well, actually. I'll admit, I started the date feeling very bratty and "No wanna" about it, but coming home was the complete opposite.

Everyone has been perfectly nice to me, making sure I'm getting settled in. There was a fun moment, while I was sitting and waiting to be able to clock in, when Shift N (who seems to be all-but-Assistant-Manager there, in a good way) asked if I'd worked with a certain barista yet. I hadn't. She told me, in no uncertain terms, that if he disrespected me at all, I should let her or Boss Woman know ASAP. He is known far and wide for being disrespectful, obnoxious, etc.

...He was perfectly nice to me. Joked around, but not in the obnoxious, forced-down-your-throat way I had both heard about and witnessed at the store meeting on Monday. He was friendly, he was helpful...I was dumbfounded.

I mentioned this when I got home to both roommates and our friend Aurelie (via text). Between Aurelie and Sameh, I found out that M, a barista at another location who works with Certain Barista, and Shift J, CB's girlfriend and a beloved ex-corker of mine, and Aurelie herself (via M) had told CB that he had damned well better be nice to me or he would pay for it in painful and unhappy ways.*

My response to Aurelie: "D'aw, I have Guardian Baristas!"
Aurelie: "Of course. You're loved."


Today's plans are to clean and tidy up both the apartment and myself, do as much laundry as possible when Ryan gets home in just over an hour, and get my butt to 933 by 3:30. Aurelie gets off then and will be studying, and Katie** will be coming in for the sole purpose of hanging out with us because she misses me.

And tomorrow, on what was supposed to be a third day off I didn't really want, I get to have LW's hours over at 933!


So, off I go to eat and shower and clean and make a list of things to work on at 933...or, as BJ now calls it, Cloud-933. Le sigh. :)

*If requested, I can draw up relationship charts for everyone in that paragraph. Actually, it'd be pretty interesting to draw up a relationship chart for the district...hmmmm....

**To be honest, Katie is one the of the worst parts of leaving 933 when I did. She went on leave to get thorasic surgery the week before I found out, and won't be back until the end of March. I have no idea when, if ever, I'll be able to work with her again. She was one of my all-time favorites to work with. Poop.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Third Anniversary!

Today is Ryan's and my three year anniversary. I'd use this entry to write him a letter telling him how wonderful he is, how much I appreciate him, how I don't know where I would be or how I would get along without him...

...except I told him all that earlier today, and basically repeat it on a semi-daily basis. He knows it. It's all good.

Today went...differently than planned. Ryan's computer went weird last night, and he spent the first couple hours of the day talking to Justin on the phone, trying to get it fixed with his help. When that didn't work, he called our computer-savvy friend Alex, who came over when he got off work. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to do anything because one of the possible fixes required a keyboard, but the computer couldn't boot far enough in to register any of the USB-based keyboards in the house. So Alex went home to get a different keyboard (and his fiancee, our other friend Kittie), and we ran off to do two of the things we had originally planned for today:

[o] stopped at my store to get tips and say hi, which was extremely rewarding and wonderful.
[o] visited Indulgence, a locally-owned pastry shop and cafe that makes I had visited before but Ryan hadn't been to yet. He has vowed to return to try a Reuben, something he hasn't a satisfactory example of since we last ate at Rein's Deli in Connecticut.

We got back and spent the rest of the afternoon working both the computer, discussing movies, and setting up March Man Madness while hanging out with Alex, Kittie, BJ, and Sameh. The computer has been saved, although it required a reformat which has Ryan busy re-downloading and re-bookmarking a bunch of stuff. Still, he's happy it didn't get borked, and we're both happy it didn't require a $60 hard drive, $150 motherboard, or $200 processor!

Dinner was at a local Mexican place called Burrito Chulo, which Sameh has endorsed forever but we had yet to visit. Dee-licious. We're currently doing random internetty things, but will soon be settling down to watch either some movies or some more Weeds, whichever plucks at our fancy.

Tomorrow is back to work--eight hours at the new store with the employee that everyone at every store in the district agrees is the meanest, loudest, most obnoxious worker in existence. Yay. Thursday is off and hanging out with Aurelie, Friday I picked up a shift at my original store--huzzah for extra hours AND working with friends!

Back to the Ryan-time-spending! :)