Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Post Written Monday Night and Tuesday Morning. Please Excuse Tense Slips.

Okay. What the hell.

This is what's going on. My to do list, more or less:

[o] Today I may be driving my mother to the doctor to get a steroid injection in her spine. I don't remember the exact problem with her spine, only that it's related to sciatica, and what it means is that her brain is being told that her leg is very badly hurt, even though her leg is fine. The only way to make it not hurt is the knock-out category of painkillers, and the aforementioned steroid shot, which is basically a miracle.

[o] Today I'm also being fitted tomorrow for a groomswoman's dress for my friend Dan's wedding in March. The dress was thankfully delivered a full month before expected, so I'm just hoping the alterations don't take too long.

[o] I also need to buy shoes for this wedding, as well as start an intense search for shoes for my own wedding

[o] My next fitting needs to be done while I'm wearing whatever I'll be wearing the day of. That means shoes and "bridal underwear." So that's another intense search I've gotta get on.

[o] I also need to, y'know, buy the tickets for the March wedding. I'm combining that trip with a trip to New York (the aforementioned dress fitting) and Indiana (I MISS MAH PEOPLEZ). I'm doing that right this moment, and let me tell you, it's...ridonkulous. All the flights from Indiana to Arizona involve spending twelve hours traveling, sometimes to cities across the country from either destination. Spending an entire day just traveling (and waiting to travel) makes the effort of maximizing quality time in either state an impossible mission. Fun.

[o] The current plan is take a train from Springfield to Syracuse, spend a day there, take a train from Syracuse to South Bend, spend a few days there, fly to Arizona, attend the wedding, fly home to Connecticut. Hopefully these last two things will also be done with Ryan, who may have to fly out immediately after work on Saturday, then fly home as soon as the reception ends on Sunday, since his work has vacation black out starting early March going until mid May. OY.

[o] Aaaand...tickets purchased! At least from Connecticut to Arizona. Still need everything from there on--rental car, hotel room, tickets home--but I couldn't take any more prices and times and whatnot, so that's enough for one night!

[o] We found a wedding venue, which has caused the planning to pick up a bit of speed. The venue includes the ceremony site and catering, but we still need to plan out the ceremony and pick the entrees, not to mention the cake, finish the guest list, find a photographer, find a DJ, contact the Justice of the Peace, figure out the centerpieces, etc etc etc. We couldn't do a whole hell of a lot without a venue, and now that we have one, there are no more excuses. It's time for full-on wedding planning!

[o] My hours have begun to back up at work, thank God! The reasons behind my getting unlucky with hours for January were explained, and none of them were really about me, which was good to know. Also good to know is that I can handle openings, as I covered one on Sunday and didn't die, which means once winter is really and truly over, I can open up my availability for those. I just know that if I opted to do opens now, that's when the snow would start, and there'd be at least one morning when I'd be scheduled to open, my driveway would be suicide, and I'd screw over the whole store for the whole day. I do not want to be That Worker, you know?

[o] Closes are still out, though, since that's the only time of day I'm guaranteed to have with Ryan. I think that's a good enough reason on it's own, but add in the fact that we need a ton of time to plan a freaking wedding, and I think that's justifiable, yeah?

[o] February is here, March is slowly approaching, and I need to get my act together for the wall at my store this time, or else just give up on being a professional entirely. Of course, Dad's place currently has no power, and that's where the printer is, so...maybe it's a sign?

[o] I did attempt a Photo A Day Challenge, again, and didn't make it past the third day. I could blame my schedule, and it'd be accurate, but there's always a ton of shit going on, I'm always exhausted, so what does that mean for wanting to make photography a priority? I'm currently putting a lot of energy into making writing a priority, carving out time for it when I can, but photography isn't as simple. I always have a notebook, writing implements, and my iPad with a keyboard all in my purse, so I can sit down just about anywhere and get some writing done. It isn't as easy with photography, although I do carry a camera everywhere. There's also editing, and posting if I want people to see it, and pricing and printing and shipping if I want people to buy it.

[o] The point is, I'm feeling discouraged. But I'm not out of the game yet! I am going to bust my ass to get photos up in my store for March, with corresponding items for sale in my Etsy store. I'll see what happens from there.

[o] At least I am being creative with writing, and working on a cross-stitch project whenever we watch something at home in the evenings, so that's good :)

[o] And now I'm just rambling when I need to get going. Today is breakfast, possibly chauffeuring Mom, getting fitted, getting emissions done on my car, going to the store, going to the dry-cleaners, and possibly getting laundry done. And that's just the first of three days off!