Saturday, July 31, 2010

A Pepless Existence.

I know I haven't had any updates of genuine worth lately (well, besides yesterday's Mother Update. I've just been pretty tired, plus there...really isn't all that much going on. I work. I sleep whenever possible. I run errands. I read. Up until two days ago, I also watched old episodes of animated show called Avatar: The Last Airbender (the household all caught up two nights ago, and I genuinely miss watching it). I play WoW sometimes, and often I watch the Food Network, the Cooking Channel, or TLC (specifically Cake Boss) while eating dinner or hanging out with the roommates.

I haven't had the time, energy, or good weather for the photography I've been missing and craving. I haven't had the time, energy, or patience for work for Diplomatic Solutions or A Deeper Vision (Dad's and my backprint store, which is currently "under construction"). I've barely had the time or energy for daily blog or diary updates--in fact, I've missed the past two nights in my journal.

My days have mostly consisted of Starbucks, sleeping, and Sword of Truth (specifically Stone of Tears), with smatterings of bending and food-maker worship.

My dreams have been...interesting.

I have Sunday and Monday off, and I hope to refresh a bit and get some of my pep back. Lately, I've been feeling just...pepless. I slog into work, slog through work, slog home, slog around the house, slog into bed. Not surprisingly, getting a drink with espresso no longer does anything to help me feel chipper, not that I should have expected that it would keep up. I know that exercise would really be the best bet, but finding time for it is just impossible, let alone the energy to start.

Don't get me wrong--I'm not depressed or anything. I'm just exhausted, and slightly flustered about not doing anything much beyond working and sleeping. I'm hoping the next two days will help me reset, so I can pull myself together and be something else beyond a Tired Barista.

Wish me luck!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Another Mother Update! This One Is WAY Better!

So, I'm an idiot. The best thing about yesterday was NOT Ryan cooking me dinner when I got home. It was Mom getting the results back from Monday's surgery. Diagnosis: Cancer free! \^.^/

She will have radiation treatments for a week, and then a possible course of medication, and then...done. As she put it, she won the cancer lottery. This whole thing, from beginning to end, will have lasted less than a month. That is damned lucky. We're all very grateful. :)

Any other updates I have are piddly in comparison, so I'll just end it with another happy face: \^.^/

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Spaghetti of Love.

All I really have to say about today is that there are few things nicer than coming home from a long day of work to find your sweetie making a delicious dinner, telling you to get into your pajamas and siddown.

Tomorrow is a day off. I work Saturday, then have TWO days off in a row. Glorious!

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Coworkers: They Make Work Bearable.

Yesterday's fun customer of the day:

"Hi, welcome to [store], my name is Ruth, what can I get you today?" :D :D :D :D
"Iced caramel macchiato with soy, please."
"Sure, and what size would you like that?"
"What size?"
"What size?"
..."Great, and what size would you like that in?"
"Okay, I'll see you at the window!" :D :D :D :D
L: *dies from laughter*

"Good afternoon, welcome to [store], my name is Ruth, what would you like today?" :D :D :D :D
"Iced tall caramel macchiato."
"Great, and is that all?"
"I'll see you at the window!" :D :D :D :D
*At window*
"Oh, hi, you worked yesterday, didn't you?"
"I sure did, good to see you again!" *takes money, gives change* "We'll have that right out for you!" :D :D :D :D
*Turns to L*
"Guess what size?"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Yes, That's His New Name At Our Store.

I obviously did not get around to posting before work today. I instead had an extremely emotional early afternoon (s'all fine now), spent the rest of my free time watching the first few episodes of Avatar season 3, and then went to work.

Leaving for work was fun. Long story short, I thought I was going in at 5:30, discovered it was 5 at 20ish till, stressed myself out driving there as quickly (but safely!) as possible, walked in at 5 on the dot...and found that I was due in at 5:30 after all. >.<

At work, I managed to burn, scald, welt (is that a verb?), smack, and otherwise harm myself in various accidental ways. I also had another brush with Screamy McRantface, although I didn't have to deal with him directly.

When he walked in, I was the only person out front, and I was busy answering and filling a drive-thru order; additionally, from the moment he walked in, he was on his cell phone, ranting loudly about...I'm not even sure what, actually. He walked in, ranting, looked around, then walked back out of the store just as L came out from the back. We had a giggle over Random Ranting Man. Then he came back in, came back to the counter--still on his phone--looks at L, and says "Thanks for joining us. Triple Venti White Mocha." *glareglareglare*

I wasn't able to witness the rest of it, but L did confirm that it was the man from Saturday. This time we just laughed at him after he left, wondering what made him so angry, why he had left and come back, etc.

Tomorrow is an earlier shift (I traded with E, 10:30 to 7:30 instead of 1 to 9:30), then another "normal" shift, and then OFF! For now: the sleep of the exhausted. As per usual.

Monday, July 26, 2010

100th Post!

Sadly, I have nothing of note to post to this, the hundredth blog entry.

I might make some kind of profound post tomorrow. Depends on what else I have to do before work at 5:30.

Highlight of the day: package from Mom! Had a tank top I kept behind, socks she bought me, and birthday presents from Auntie M--earrings and a necklace. I msust remember to call tomorrow and thank her. :)

For now, sleep.

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Not much to talk about today, except that Ryan made another delicious dinner, and Kitty and Alex came over to play fact, they're still here! We're watching Futurama while waiting for BJ to settle down after arriving home from work.

And now, he's settled. And now, True Blood!

Tomorrow begins a long week, with no day off until Friday. Whee!

Dude: Chill. Pill.

I may have to write up a list of Things To Do (Or Not Do) At Starbucks. High up on the list:

Do NOT yell at the barista because she got your order wrong when confirming it over the drive-thru speaker--when it hasn't even been MADE yet--and then give her a psychotic glare at the window that makes it clear you're ENJOYING the fact that you scared the wits out of her, and she can't do anything but serve you.

I'm sorry I left out the "triple" when reading back your Triple Venti Nonfat Decaf White Mocha and the Triple Venti Decaf White Mocha because I was trying to make another customer's drink, answer a co-worker's question, and take your order at the same time. All you had to do was point that out, and it would have been fine. Repeating the order as loudly, slowly, patronizingly, and angrily as possible? Leaves the innocent barista who was trying to serve you politely afraid to answer the drive-thru ding for the last three hours of her shift, in fear you came back to try and kill her with your brain.

This guy seriously and honestly scared me. Go look up the recording of Christian Bale freaking out on the set of Terminator 3, and you'll know the tone I heard today. Irrational, bordering-on-homicidal anger...over COFFEE.


On the upshot, my shift was cut today, so I was already going home an hour early. And I now have my entire day off to get over this psycho.


Friday, July 23, 2010

Curving Back...

Not a whole lot new here, except for the new curtains (light blocking, so Mr. Night Owl can get a full "night's" sleep), and new to do items (as always).

Top of these involves exercise. I miss it. For some reason, using the Wii Fit on a regular basis is just not working right now. Combination of hours and wanting to avoid hurting my roommates' eyes by having them around when I work out. Other options are going for walks, which the ridiculously high heat and humidity make insanely unpleasant, or Curves. Curves would be also nice because it'd be a chance for more social activity outside of roommates or co-workers (which are great, but nice to widen the circle, you know?).

I looked it up, and there is a Curves less than a mile away from my store. Next, I need to find out exactly how much it would cost a month to go there (I know, I should remember from working at one, but I never could remember the whole sales spiel, so...yeah), and wait until my Starbucks insurance packet comes in the mail (sometime at the end of August, I think) and hope that Curves is covered, even if only partially. As it is, our budget is really, really thin, and while I really want to go back to Curves, there's a chance it's just not financially possible. Hmph.

Tonight I work from 6:30 to 12:30, and tomorrow is 2:30 to 11. Nice, late nights, which is why I'm posting now and will probably post before work tomorrow. Hopefully with something more entertaining.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Aren't I A Stinker?

You deal with a lot of noise while working at Starbucks, most of it annoying. Grinding coffee, blending frappuccinos, making ice, etc etc. But the worst of all the noises are the timers.

There are timers for everything. Brewing coffee, sanitizer solution, milk carafes, steeping tea, partner breaks, safe checks, etc etc. At the very least, there is a timer going off every 24 minutes for brewing coffee--every eight before noon! It starts to get to you.

Today, for most of my shift, it was E, L, and myself. At one point, L was sitting on the floor in front of the safe, doing the count. Three timers happened to go off in a 5 minute period, and she yelped every time, yelling for someone to turn the damned things off!

Side note--L has a tattoo of a semi-colon on the back of her neck, just about level with her shoulder blades. She wears a black hooded sweatshirt; it's outside of the "collared black or white shirt" policy, but it goes with the "no showing tattoos" policy, so whatever.

After the last timer went off, and L made a tortured noise in response, I just couldn't help myself. I grabbed a currently-unused timer, set it for a minute, crept up behind her, and gently clipped it to the hood of her sweatshirt.

To see her twist and whimper when it went off, trying to find it, trying to reach it, where is it, what's going on, make it stop!!...glorious! Totally worth the death glare!

What makes it really worth it, though, is to know that all my parents will read this, sit back, and go "That's my girl!"

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


I have been an absolute moron the past three days. Making mistakes, starting tasks or sentences only to forget what I was going for in the first place, saying things that don't make any sense, forgetting things, wandering in circles, etc etc.

I have a great many things to blame, so that's, you know. Something.

[o] The amount of people-shifting going on in my store, and the district as a whole, is just ridiculous. New people everywhere, all of them superiors, and I'm never sure if I'm going to go in and find another co-worker's name scratched off the schedule. Nerve-wracking!

[o] The weather can't make up it's mind. It's been muggy and sunny, with random dark and foreboding clouds that look like they're about to rain down all kinds of hell, and then don't. Quite literally, the atmosphere is confusing.

[o] I. Am. Exhausted.

....yeah, I'm out.

Happy Birthday to David! I gave him a call, and the card I got him FINALLY went out today, although he won't be home to see it for another, oh, three weeks. Ah well.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ryan & Ruth: Now With More Commitment!

Today's Accomplishment List:

[x] open joint account with Ryan. Aren't we cute. It's almost entirely for convenience, the ability of one person to go and buy groceries even if their paycheck hasn't come through yet/the person with the bank card is working/etc.
[x] bought cookware so we can know...cook!
[x] start process of balance transfer to credit card that won't break me!
[x] call Post Office to find out why the furk they were leaving mail but not taking it. Lady who answered said she'd ask our carrier, suggested we find a method to signal the carrier that we have outgoing mail. Funny, I thought maybe they were supposed to check the box or something.
[x] finish W9 process for backprint so Dad and I can actually make some money with our photography. This was much simpler than I thought it was, hence it taking so long for me to get around to. Now it is done, and we can start doing stuff with backprint!
[o] calling Dad to fill him in - failed at that. Combination of busy and exhausted. Tomorrow before I go to work!
[o] laundry, specifically my work pants - no time!
[o] move prescription from Connecticut CVS to Indiana CVS - never got to it, sadly. Tomorrow before I go to work!
[o] more editing for DS - nope.

Other good things: slept in, got some reading time, got dinner at Polito's, which turns out to have AMAZING pasta.

Ryan is very excited about the new cookware (various pots and pans and two knives), and is eager to go out and get some food to cook on it. Lately, I've been coming home too tired to even think about food, so he's going to start having something ready for me when I arrive, even if it's just a sandwich. He's such a good Ryan. :)

Tomorrow is back to the grindstone (until Sunday!). It's also David's birthday! I will be calling him first thing to let him know that he's the best stepdad ever, and I really did get him a card, but he won't get it for a few days because of the aforementioned postal idiocy. XD

And now--bed!

Monday, July 19, 2010

The Day Won. It Was Bloody.

I am...extremely cranky.

Started off today waking up Ryan around 10:45 due to using iPad, which doesn't usually wake him up. Next up, found that I not only missed my Wii goal, I gained a bit of weight.

At work, I had a serious case of the stupids. I forgot to give customer change, charge them for drinks, made them the wrong drinks, etc etc. I broke four plates (although I put some blame on whoever had the fantastic idea of stacking them upside down, which makes them about 500% more likely to slip off their pile). I messed up a regular's drink because I was trying too hard to help.

I get home to find that the card I put in the mail this afternoon is still there, now with the company of two junk fliers. This means that the postal worker came and opened our box, but didn't take it for whatever reason. Grr.

And, the icing on the cake: Ryan's car is broken. Connecting the battery makes the horn go again, stuck in one long note, but does not allow the car to start. OY.

On the plus side:
[o] new shift, J, is very nice and sweet and cool. I look forward to working with her.
[o] visit from the household! Always nice :D
[o] HUGE rainbow near the end of my shift. A full, perfect, movie-esque rainbow. Really pretty.

And now to get into pajamas, eat something, and watch yesterday's True Blood. Tomorrow is another day...and it's a day off to boot!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Starbucks Math: Partner Edition.

Today was the last day at our store for a co-worker of mine, JH. He's moving back to the eastern edge of the state to his home town. Jerk.

Even after "only" a month and a half of working together, JH and I got pretty close. I'm really going to miss him. :(

However! This is a good move for him--living with his girlfriend, closer to his friends and family, new store to boss around, etc etc. So I wish him the best of luck in all his endeavors. And I really do mean it.

Next to leave is KB, a morning shift, and then DH, a barista, moving to Indianapolis and Grand Rapids, respectively. Another two partners (again, shift and barista) are trying to leave, applying everywhere they possibly can. Finally, L, an awesome shift I've worked with about as much as JH, is most likely going to be "leaving the company" in the next couple of days. She has facial implants, a post high on each cheekbone, and can't/won't remove them. It's mostly luck that she hasn't had trouble for them thus far, but that's probably about to change. Also, we lost our store manager two weeks ago.

We get a new store manager in the next few weeks, a new shift starting tomorrow, and another new shift starting soon after that, all from other stores in the area. Also, H, a barista I sometimes see in the early afternoon overlap, is getting promoted to shift very soon.

To recap: We're definitely losing two shifts and one barista, possibly losing another two shifts and one barista, and gaining three shifts and a store manager.

To recap the recap:


9 4 1
-3 -4 -1
+0 +3 +1

6 3 1

If you think your head hurts, just remember; I'm living this.

And, although I witnessed at least three interviews two weeks ago, and directed another interviewee to the Ironwood store just last week, I have heard nothing about any new hires. Everyone "new" coming into our location is from another location, either Main & Douglas or Ironwood & 23.


At the very least, the shift we're gaining for the evening shift is supposed to be very nice, and the people I like are staying (except JH, the jerk), so...yay for that, I guess.

I just hope it all works out so I can continue enjoying my job.

And now, to finally return my mother's call. Bad daughter!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Blog Design Update!

I've added a box with my Google calendars for when I'm working, and when WoW raids are (which, if I'm not working, I'm participating in, and can still be considered "busy"). I'll add my Personal calendar if it ever includes actual events, as opposed to just TV shows I want to remember to watch, which is all it has now.

So, if you want to know when I'll be free to call/text/instant message/Skype/etc, now you can stalk me and find out! Clicking on an event shows the details, although it's usually no more than when the event starts and ends. Again, I can start adding further details if I have actual events that require them.

Let the stalking commence!


I am quite sure that, years from now, I will listen to the Norah Jones album feels like home and think of my start at Starbucks. With little exception, I have been listening to that album every single day on the way to and from work. The songs I seem to focus on are Sunrise, Carnival Town, Creepin' In (with Dolly Parton!), In The Morning, and Be Here To Love Me.

Be Here To Love Me is the current favorite, mostly for one specific line. Here are the full lyrics, with the line in question bolded (and here is the song on YouTube):

Your eyes seek conclusion
In all this confusion of mine

Though you and I both know
It's only the warm glow of wine

That's got you to feeling this way
But I don't care
I want you to stay

Just to hold me and tell me
You'll be here to love

Children are dancing
Gamblers are chancing their all

The window's accusing the door
Of abusing the wall

But who cares what the night watchmen say
The stage has been set for the play

So just hold me and tell me
You'll be here to love me

The moon's come and gone
But a few stars hang on to the sky

The wind's runnin' free
But it ain't up to me to ask why

But the poets are demanding their pay
And they've left me with nothing to say

Except hold me and tell me
You'll be here to love me

Just hold me and tell me
You'll be here to love me

The entire song is a wonderful poem set to music, but that one "stanza" makes me smile every time. I love the personification/anthropomorphizing, and you can imagine the writer watching a window rattle as someone slams a door, and pulling this line out of the moment. Norah Jones also sings that line with such emphasis, such feeling! Le sigh.

And, again, the overall song is just lovely. Isn't that what anyone wants? To be held and told they're loved.

I don't care about yesterday, tomorrow, next month, next year--just love me today.

Friday, July 16, 2010

O Happy Day!

Ryan's interview was was his follow-up interview, and job offer, and drug test, and passing of said drug test. He's employed! Huzzah!

It's a cashier job at Target, temporary until the end of September, with the possibility of a permanent position after that. It's a minimum of 20 hours a week, possibly that's $500 more a month coming in, at the least. This is such a good thing for our budget. :D

That was, obviously, the highlight of the day. The rest of it was pretty normal. Sleeping, showering, working. I was given the task of readying pastries for what is supposed to be an uber-busy day tomorrow, which was fun because the directions left by the morning shift were incredibly vague/stupid, and...yeah, I won't get into it, as it's mostly only "entertaining" if you work at Starbucks.

I'll end this post by thanking any and all who sent employed thoughts/prayers/energy. I had a dream this morning, after Ryan left, that he came back with a job offer. Thanks for making it come true! XD

Thursday, July 15, 2010

When It Rains...

A second update! Because stuff has happened since the last one! Exciting stuff! INTERESTING stuff!

It thunderstormed. Big surprise. Lots of water. Whoop dee do.

Ryan and I are both home, playing World of Warcraft. Sameh knocks on the door. She says a neighbor was knocking on doors asking if anyone owned a black Toyota. Ryan does. We ask why.

Oh, the parking lot's flooded and the black Toyota in question's horn is stuck.

We go downstairs, and sure enough:

Flooded Car

One of our neighbors helped unhook the battery to make the horn shut off. Fortunately, neither he or Ryan were electrocuted in the process.

And I got more pictures, to show you folks in Connecticut (and other parts of the country) the FUN you're missing!
Flooded Parking Lot

Kids Playing In Flooded Parking Lot

Flooded Parking Lot

Ryan with Flooded Car


The other half, the BETTER half, of today: Ryan has an interview tomorrow! At Target! At 10:30 in the morning!

Yeah, that last part's going to be brutal...

Fortunately, his interview is hours before I have work, so he can take my car and not have to worry about drying his out beforehand. All prayers, thoughts, wishes, energy, etc toward him are MUCH appreciated! Think employed thoughts!

Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'...

Today's To Do list involved:
[o] Going to the bank to deposit the large pile of rolled coins I forgot we had, and change some of them into quarters so we can continue doing laundry.
[o] Editing the other two articles.
[o] Buying some Tylenol and looking into switching my prescription to a CVS here in Indiana.
[o] Looking into the cost of shipping my iPod Touch to Chris (part of the iPad deal)
[o] Researching credit card transfers to see if any would help me out.
[o] Continuing the creation of a budget. I am thoroughly enjoying this because it involves SPREADSHEETS!
[o] Watching some Avater: The Last Airbender Book 2 with Ryan, as promised.

The coins: My bank doesn't take rolled coins. They'll take loose coins and machine-count them and take off 5%, ala CoinStar, but that's it. The teller suggested I try a grocery store, "like Kroger." I go to Kroger, they don't change them, either. One of the employees mentions that her uncle gets his coins changed at 1st Source Bank, and he's not an account holder. I call Ryan, he tells me where the nearest branch is. I go there--huzzah! No limit of how many rolls I can cash! No need for an account! All I had to do was write my name and number on each roll. A small price to pay to finally have my damned money!

For the record, that was $61 in 8 rolls of dimes, 5 rolls of nickels, and twenty-two rolls of pennies. Yes, thirty-five rolls of coins, each one marked with my name and number. Whee!

I got Tylenol, so that's done. Easy.

I got a credit card offer in the mail that may be doable, although it's for an American Express Blue Sky card. I don't travel, and I've heard iffy things about AmEx, so...*shrug* I'll see what else I can find.

All that's left is looking into the costs of shipping the iPod Touch, editing two articles, and doing something with Ryan. Avatar may be out, as Sameh has a friend over to watch some True Blood, plus Ry and I have been wanting to level some characters together.

The articles may be pushed until tomorrow, either before work or during my lunch. I also got myself an iPad case today, so I can take it to work with me! Woo!

As an added bonus, I worked out today. Two days in a row! WOW!

Off I go to finish stuff off. Tomorrow is back to the grind, with not antoher day off until next Tuesday. Must remember: money GOOD.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Productivity, Interrupted.

Today was going to be my Work Day. I had a Diplomatic Solutions meeting in the evening, so it made sense to use the hours beforehand to trundle through the rest of my To Do list. I'd reach 8 o'clock armed with checked off boxes and ready information! And it wouldn't just be business thing I'd get done, no! Laundry! Grocery shopping! Etc!

This is how the day went:

[o] Wake up. Slowly. After a fairly restless night of sleep.
[o] Spend a bit of time lounging in bed, with iPad, checking all my sites and feeds.
[x] Edit one of the articles assigned to me using the iPad and the small notebook in my purse!
[x] Cook myself eggs for breakfast!
True, I unwittingly used a burner too small for the pan, so the eggs cooked unevenly, and I had a devil of a time with them...but still! I cooked!
[x] Work out! Weigh in and haven't gained anything!
[x] Shower!
[x] Start two loads of laundry!

[o] Ryan wakes up and agreed to a small, quick grocery trip, as he needs more Tylenol and I'm out of cheese.
[x] Call back Mom, as requested. We discuss money and such and hang up with goals to help me get out of the debt incurred from moving!
[x] Move the two loads from washer to dryer, and start a third load of laundry!

[o] Sameh and BJ both arrive home from work. BJ needs to go back to his Bux to collect his tips, and they decid to come with us.
[o] We wait for the washer to finish so I can move it over before leaving. As I go to move it, I realize that I can't, because I'm taking up the only two dryers. For the next 40 minutes.
[o] We go to Starbucks. BJ chats with co-workers. I buy myself and Ryan a drink and a small snack each. We leave Starbucks.
[o] We arrive at Meijer. BJ realizes he never got his tips.
[o] We shop. We leave Meijer. We go back to Starbucks. We go get lunch at Waka Dog.
[x] I fetch the dry clothes and move the final load into a dryer! This is after the dryer clothes have been finished for two and a half hours, the washer load for three, and I had to scrounge quarters from my car because I hadn't realized we were out of rolls of quarters until after I was halfway to the laundry room with a roll of pennies. But still! LAUNDRY ALMOST DONE!
[o] The four of us chat, flip through channels, end up watching the last half hours of both 17 Again and Mrs. Doubtfire.
[o] I realize it's 10 to 8. I hustle my butt to the computer and ask Ryan to fetch the last, dry load.
[x] DS Meeting!

So...yeah. Almost every single thing I did accomplish today, got lengthened through unavoidable events. There is a huge pile of unfolded laundry on the bed behind me, and Ryan realized a small while ago that we forgot to buy any gorram Tylenol. I did not accomplish a large portion of the things I wanted/needed to get done for DS. Fortunately, it was just a catch-up meeting, so nothing was "due." Still. Oy.

[o] Going to the bank to deposit the large pile of rolled coins I forgot we had, and change some of them into quarters so we can continue doing laundry.
[o] Editing the other two articles.
[o] Buying some Tylenol and looking into switching my prescription to a CVS here in Indiana.
[o] Looking into the cost of shipping my iPod Touch to Chris (part of the iPad deal)
[o] Researching credit card transfers to see if any would help me out.
[o] Continuing the creation of a budget. I am thoroughly enjoying this because it involves SPREADSHEETS!
[o] Watching some Avater: The Last Airbender Book 2 with Ryan, as promised.

Overall, the two days off will end up being half work and half play. This is fine. Actually, it's better than fine; it was helpful.

As previously mentioned, I was on a "hiatus" of sorts from Diplomatic Solutions during May and June, while I moved and got settled. About as soon as I "returned," it was suggested that I hand off some of my responsibilities to a new collaborator. I'll admit, I was a little put off by this; I had just come back, and it was already being inferred that I couldn't handle everything I needed to do. Give me some time, guys! And some credit! I appreciate that it was meant to be supportive rather than insulting, but still. Sheesh!

I...was wrong. The days off since that first meeting, I have attempted to see as days when I work for Diplomatic Solutions instead of Starbucks. None of these days have worked out as I hoped, especially since my Starbucks hours have skewed toward the late afternoon and evening shifts. I don't have time for chores or errands before work, so those things get pushed to my days off, as do the chances to spend quality time with my friends or boyfriend.

The initial problem I had with getting help with my tasks was that it was worded in such a way that I'd be giving up the jobs I really enjoy. At tonight's meeting, I brought the idea of a Marketing co-worker back up, but asked if she would be willing to do the things I haven't been able to do, but she would most likely be better at, being that she's a marketer and fundraiser for a non-profit. While she didn't attend the meeting, someone who did said he would contact her about it. She'll hopefully be getting back to me early next week.

Long story short: Today was the final straw to realize that the offer of taking some of my duties off my shoulders was an opportunity, and one that I really couldn't pass up because of pride. If this works out as I hope, she and I will be collaborating and getting the Marketing "department" off the ground in no time.

Tomorrow is another day, and I will get things done. What number of things, and which things...that'll be a surprise, I guess. And hey, at least I can spend the whole day on my butt if I want to. That's a win in my book.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I Can't Brain Today, I Have The Dumb.

You know the ancient curse, "May you live in interesting times?"

Today was an interesting day.

I woke up from a dream where Dad and I were screaming at each other in a fight.
I overslept.
I walked out of the bedroom, after just waking up, to find the kitchen floor covered in dishwasher suds.
Work was mad rush after mad rush after mad rush, with only three partners for both front and drive through, making 9 drinks at a time.
One of my co-workers, David, stopped a shoplifter in the middle of stealing from us.
I banged my wrist, my head, my knees, my fingers.
I kept making little, simple mistakes--whipped cream on drinks that don't get whip, no whip the drinks that do, green tea instead of black tea, black tea instead of green tea, hot instead of iced, etc etc.

I. Am. Exhausted.

E, a co-worker whose birthday was today, had invited everybody out for drinking tonight. I really, really wanted to go, but I was just too tired when I get off at 9:30. That, and I realized on the way home that I honestly couldn't afford it. I hate that I didn't go, as she wanted everyone there, and I've missed going out to just chill with fun people, but it just wasn't happening.

I have the next two days off from work, and I couldn't be more appreciative of them. One of them will be a Work Day, getting through my ever-growing to do list for Diplomatic Solutions; the other will be The Day Off: sleeping in, staying in PJs for as long as possible, watching an entire season of Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc.

For now, I'm going to curl up in bed with Ryan and watch stuff via Netflix on my iPad. And then sleep the sleep of the weary. The deserved sleep.

Monday, July 12, 2010


There was nothing spectacularly good, bad, or entertaining about today. Eight hour shift, aching feet, the usual.

The only big thing going on my life--or at least my mind--is money, and I'm not going to get into it on this blog. At least, not right now.

Uhm. Yeah. Sorry for lack of good post. :)

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Now To Get The Hot Cup...

Ah, a day off. Always nice. Today I:

[o] weighed myself to find I'm down 1.3 lbs since my last check. Woo!
[o] went grocery shopping
[o] watched all but the last disc of Avatar: The Last Air Bender: Book 1
[o] took out recycling (well, the half that was piling up)
[o] got a present from BJ :D (Starbucks Venti Cold Cup. These things are a rare and precious item as NONE of the locations have them...except someone returned about five of them to BJ's store yesterday, and he saved one for me, knowing how much I wanted one. XD Everyone at my store is going to hate me, but I love it!)
[o] possibly solved a Diplomatic Solutions Facebook problem...not sure yet...
[o] will be raiding at 8
[o] will be attempting to begin to hack together a budget between now and when the raid starts

Tomorrow is the beginning of my first actual full-time week*. 8 hours a day, five days total. Yay for earning money! Also yay for only one day of closing! I prefer it to opening, but it's still quite a bit of rushing and pressure. Most nights this week, I'll be home before 10. That might not seem like a big deal, but with my roommates and, more importantly, my boyfriend, all being night owls, I might actually get a chance to spend some time with them! NICE!

Right. Off to my first attempt at a budget, than four hours of hard core World of Warcraft. Woo!

*By the way, if anyone is interested in knowing my schedule, let me know, and I might be willing to post my calendar. Just to make it easier to track me down if need be. :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010


I'm going to post now, as I work until past midnight tonight. As it is, I've got really nothing to post about. Yesterday's plans of productivity didn't really gel; little things kept coming up and interrupting in one way or another.

Highlights: I was able to talk briefly with Dad and assure him that he's still on my radar, and I had nice conversations with David and Dorita. :)

Tomorrow is another day off, then work on Monday and Tuesday, then Wednesday and Thursday off. I'm hoping at least one of the three days off will be nice enough (no rain, no whomping humidity) to go to the park and/or cemetery and get some purty pictures. I miss taking them, editing them, posting them, etc etc. Le sigh.

Anyway, I leave in half an hour so I can get there nice and early, so I off I go to get ready. Ciao!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Mother Update.

That is, an update on the mother. As opposed to a large update, which would be a mother of an update.


Mom has Stage 0 cancer. Yes, such a thing exists. Her lymph nodes are completely uninvolved, which is very YAY! She's going to have some very inconvenient treatments (driving into Hartford twice a day, blech), and some minor surgery to make sure there's nothing left in there to worry about, and she should be all done.

As she put it, she won the cancer lottery. :)

What else is new, what else is new...really nothing. Today is my day off, I spent the first few hours trying to do some DS work, the household went on an odd shopping trip (where the only thing I bought was something I hadn't intended to buy in the first place, as opposed to the four things I had on my list), Ryan and I just got back from fetching dinner, and he's about to start a raid while I continue hacking away at DS stuff, calling both paternal figures, and, uh...I think that's it, actually.

Tomorrow is work again, followed by Sunday off. Next week is glorious in that I work a full forty hours! Woohoo! Although, next week is also sucky because JH is leaving. JH is one of our shift supervisors, the most awesome person I work with, the biggest help in my learning drinks and such, and really just the best part of working there thus far. Everyone else is pretty cool, but really, he's my favorite. I'm going to miss him!

Lastly, but certainly not least, congratulations to my roommate BJ, who got promoted to shift supervisor at his store! Woohoo! Much deserved! :)

Now, off to tasks...

Thursday, July 8, 2010

The Full Truth.

Here's what's going on:

A couple of weeks ago, my mother had surgery to biopsy a lump in her chest. She told me Tuesday night that the results came back positive. Mom has breast cancer.

This is not an emergency. The "sample" they collected might have actually been the entire thing. She has an appointment today to find out everything, and to see what's going to happen next. Most likely, they'll do some more scans, and they might do more surgery to check out her lymph nodes for any spreading. But unless one of those things actually show anything, she probably won't need to undergo any kind of chemotherapy or other harsh treatment. It may be over almost as soon as it's begun.

I mentioned in yesterday's entry that I was in a crap mood. This is why. It hit me on the way to work, mostly the fact that I am more than 800 miles away from everything that's going on. I hate that almost as much than I hate the cancer that may or may not still exist. I would give anything to be able to go with her to today's appointment. As it is, she'll be accompanied by David Schreiber, one of her best friends for over 30 years, a very smart and very compassionate man who also happens to know about this stuff. He'll be able to pay attention if she's unable to, and comfort her if it's needed (extremely unlikely).

I do feel much, much better knowing that the Schreibers are there, and Dad, and Randy, and other people who can do almost everything that I would if I were there. However, they can't hug her for me, and I hate that. Honestly, I think I need to hug her more than she needs to hug me. She's extremely positive about this, and I'm keeping the same mindset, but it's still a scare, and I still hate that I'm so fucking far away.

I talked to her today to ask if I could call tonight when I get out of work, at 11:30. She reiterated that it's very UNlikely that anything bad or scary is going to come out of today's appointment, and that everything is going to be fine. It really made me feel better. (I also asked if I could blog about it, so this update is made with her permission.)

I'm going to say again: This is not an emergency. Condolences are not in order. If you want to send positive, healthy, encapsulated thoughts at Mom, it is certainly welcome, but there's no need for panic or freaking out. I just wanted to continue with my trend of being honest and open about what's going on with my life.

I'll update tomorrow with further news. Today, I'm going to spend some time playing with my iPad, then go to work and be a good worker bee. As usual. :)

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

One Way To Do It...

Today I learned something interesting: I'm a better worker when I'm in a bad mood. Or at least, I'm more efficient. I started off my shift in an extremely crap mood, and was a cleaning, grinding, drink-making, transaction-ringing machine. My coworkers actually complimented me...of course, I was also hiding my mood extremely well, so they just thought I was in some kind of zone...which l guess I was.

Fortunately, I brightened up after my meal break, and had a fantastic second half of my shift. So...yay...I guess.

Apologies for a second lackluster entry, but I am once again extremely tired, and just want to go to bed. Tomorrow or Friday, I may have be able to post something with more substance.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Blah blah blah.

The best thing about today: the iPad that my friend Chris sent me arrived! He bought it when it first came out, one day I was saying how I was going to save up for one, he said he was thinking of selling his, and ta da! I have an iPad on super-extended payment (read: whenever the hell I have the money). I haven't really set it up yet, as I don't know the password to access our internet, but tomorrow....tomorrow!

Following up: Jess and Ari stopped by on their way back through, from Madison to...wherever the hell they were going. They hadn't decided when they arrived. They followed me to Starbucks, where they got nummy drinks and used the internet to look at maps. For a while it looked like New Orleans, but they settled on Baltimore by way of Shenandoah National Park in Virginia. They had it timed just right that they should be driving through the mountains at sunrise.

That's really it. Beyond that is just work and stuff.

I'm very tired, as per usual. Hopefully I can be more interesting tomorrow!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Amused Is Better Than Annoyed!

I am probably more amused than I should be at how my "productive" day is going.

My To Do list, and how each task went down:
[/] deposit checks - one was easy-peasy, the other was not valid as People's Bank's online bill pay thing is an idiot and wrote the check out to Ruthie. Not the name provided, but the NICKNAME given the online bill pay account. Because that's obviously who the bill will be made out to, the NICKNAME. >.<

[/] update Diplomatic Solutions teasers to LinkedIn and Facebook - I had already posted many teasers to LinkedIn last week, but had to redo them all today because our Webmaster changed the url to every single editorial I had posted. Then, Facebook yelled at me for posting too many at once (said I was going to annoy people, even though what I was doing didn't hit people's pages...), so I've had to do it in chunks all day, lest my account be banned for who knows how long. Still waiting to finish.

[x] create backprint account so Dad and I can sell pictures - I created the account! Then I went to change the password to something I could remember! And it reset and didn't tell me what the new one was! So now I can't change it again and I'm afraid to log out! Huzzah!

[x] write up summary of last Tuesday's Diplomatic Solutions meeting - took me several hours to write a dozen lines, but it's done!

[x] take out the recycling - left the empty bins in my car!

[o] get groceries - waited for BJ to get home, as Sameh said they also needed things. I heard BJ tell Sameh they didn't have enough money to go shopping, then they both went in their room without relaying any decision, and I think they're taking a nap (no, that's not a euphemism; they both worked full shifts today). I have no idea if they still want to come with us or not.

[o] download Chris's articles to edit - not done yet

[o] work on promo & ad copy - not done yet

So, of the eight things I wanted to do today, half have had some problems that interfered with their execution, and three are not done yet for various reasons (other people, distraction, laziness, etc).

Productive day. And yet I feel like a clown. Close enough!

Sunday, July 4, 2010


(I actually wrote this in my head a few days ago, waiting to post as I knew it would become non-fiction tonight, as it did. Very rough, but I'm happy enough with it. Lyric credits to Norah Jones's Carnival Town. I recommend playing the YouTube video in another tab as a soundtrack...)

She marvels, as she has an uncountable number of times in the month since arriving, at how open the sky is here in this new land she has claimed for her home. Driving from work, tired but satisfied, her thoughts turn to a familiar track: comparing the old and the new, the strange and familiar. She does so as she drives down a fine example of a difference between Indiana and Connecticut, a straight stretch of road that is longer than any straight stretch of road she can remember in the northeast.

The night is dark without being inky black, the sun only setting a half hour before. The air rushes past the car, into the open windows, through her hair, over her warm and clammy forehead. She breathes deep, enjoying the air that tastes faintly of grillsmoke, sulfar, and citronella: the scents of the many parties occuring in the backyards of the houses she passes. A jazz singer croons from the stereo, her voice low and soft and relaxing, cool water for her ears after a long day of beeping and grinding machines.

Round and round
Has got you under its spell
Moving so fast...

It is the Fourth of July, and she is driving home to sleep as people begin their celebrations, lighting sparklers, opening beers, sharing barbecue with friends. Her friends and family are miles and miles away. The thought is bittersweet, the memory of loved ones with the knowledge that they are so far. She would not undo her situation, but she wouldn't mind stepping out of it for an hour, a moment.

Up and down
Ferris wheel
Tell me, how does it feel
To be so high...

Driving through hills, seeing nothing but trees, hearing nothing but wind. Seeing dear faces with her eyes, not with a computer screen; hearing their voices through air, not cell phones.

A stoplight ahead turns red, and she slows to a stop. Taking the opportunity, she closes her eyes, breathes deep, focuses on the cool, and the silence.

There is a loud pop, and she opens her eyes to see the sky filled with light.

Another pop, another burst, red and to the west. Another, to the east, this one green.

Soon the entire sky is filled with starbursts, sparkling rain, millions and millions of points of bright color.

The stoplight turns, and she starts forward on instinct, but her eyes and mouth are still wide open. She has hit a rare wooded spot, and she is surrounded by trees and perfect dark, color and light, the entire sky filled in every direction with fireworks.

Sneaking into her conciousness, the singer's liquid voice skims over the pops and bursts.

Is it lonely?

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Surprises Everywhere!

So, some excitement today! Some good, some annoying.

The good: I got a text from my friend Ari, who is my friend Jess's beau, asking how things were going, how was work, how were we liking South Bend, etc etc. It started off between Ari and me, then Ari then Ryan, then Jess and Ryan, as Jess called from Ari's phone just as Ryan and I got back from the store.

Jess: So, guess where we are?
Me: Where?
Jess: North Main and Catalpa
Me: Holy shit!

Turns out, they had already spent Thursday through Friday moving from Connecticut to Baltimore and driving Jess's father's car back to Connecticut, and they were going through town on their way to visit Ari's cousin in Madison, Wisconsin. !!!

They could only stay "a few minutes," which turned into almost an hour, but they're also going to try and stop by on Tuesday before I go in to work at 3, so yay!

It was a nice surprise, and I hope they can stop by on Tuesday as well. ^^

The annoying: The power went out! From about 4 to maybe 8. >.< It wasn't so bad, I got to get pretty far into the book I just started, and it was a peaceful afternoon with Sameh and Ryan and I hanging out in the living room...but we had planned on getting my Midsummer Fire Festival achievements done in WoW, and are now several hours behind, with the event ending tomorrow night, so...poop.

Fortunately, nothing bad. Actually, it's ending on a good note: Ryan is cooking again! Chicken breast wrapped with cheese in strips of bacon, and pan-fried green beans with olive oil, salt, and garlic pepper. They're not quite done yet, but I can smell it all, and my stomach is about to gnaw it's way through my spine to get to the kitchen.

I've offered to pay both our shares of our rent forever in exchange for him being my "kept man," which includes cooking all my meals, but he didn't answer me. That's not a no, though...;)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Soul of an Artist, Spleen of an Accountant.

I am endlessly amused at myself, at how much I enjoy the supposedly mundane things that I do all day at work, the things I miss doing on my days off. I revel in the exact numbers and measurements, even if we don't keep them precise in practice. I love that we are encouraged to both stick to a script and ad-lib with the customers. Everything is precise and fluid, and I adore it.

That said, my feet hurt my knees hurt, and my hands? My hands are sobbing. I was going to say weeping, but the wounds on them aren't open and leaking puss. Six of my eight "second" knuckles (the ones in the middle)*, and seven of my ten "third" knuckles (the last ones before the back of your hand) are dry and rough, and the majority of them do have tiny splits that KILLED when I splashed counter cleaner on them.

Then there's one "first" knuckle that also has a cut, but that's a paper-cut, and it's only relevant in that OW OW OW OW OW.

Today was a good day, except for one big thing: our store manager, my boss, the person who hired me, is gone. I got a call just before I came in saying she was "no longer with the company." :( This makes me really sad, as she was nothing but awesome, helpful, and supportive the past three weeks.

As BJ put it, our district is exploding. His store has lost at least one person in the past month and is losing another in two weeks, Sameh's store just lost one, and my store just lost one and will be losing THREE more by the end of August, with two more who want to leave as soon as they find another job. By the end of August, our store will have one shift supervisor, and we currently have no store manager. And there have been no hires since the beginning of June, when I got hired and someone got hired at BJ's store.


On a small upside, I accidentally saw today's employee notes that my shift wrote down, and saw "Ruth & DH very good at customer interaction." XD

Tomorrow is my day off, and I'm going to spend it running to the bank to deposit some checks, and then to the mall to do some SHOPPING! :D And then back home to soak my hands in...I don't know...something healing. Unicorn horn dust or something.

*Yes, eight. The thumbs only have two knuckles, which I consider the "first" and "third." I can too count.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Sleep Time Now?

Today started off with money drama--that I will NOT get into lest this post become a rant--and ended up with sore feet but a happy and mostly content Ruth.

Work is pretty good. Money is getting better. Other work is slow but steady. All I need is some art and I'll be GREAT!

Tomorrow is errands and work, with work involving Closing! It's like Opening, but different!
