Thursday, February 25, 2010

What What's Goin' On Means

As mentioned in my previous post, a week ago I gave myself a good verbal thumping. The law, it was laid down. After a stern lecture, comforting words, and reassuring hug, I made up some new rules for myself. Though they are few, they are important, and they are as follows:

[o] When I get up in the morning, no World of Warcraft until some exercise has occurred. It could be a handful of pushups, it could be an hour-long strength-training routine, but it will happen. I may soon further the restriction to just plain no internet until exercising. We shall see.

[o] Around 11, take a melatonin or some chamomile tea, and start winding down for bed. Get offline at midnight or soon after.

[o] Alarm is set for 9 a.m. every day (except Saturday, when I have work at 7 and need to get up at 6). If I don’t get to sleep until later, or the quality of sleep is severely lacking, move the alarm down to 10:30, but no later.

Hopefully the combination of early to bed and early to rise will swing my sleep schedule back to what I want it to be, which is not 3 a.m. to sometime past noon.

[o] Start the process of getting my life moving. Apply to Eastern (done on Tuesday!), put together a resume, start for either a second job or a new job.

I love Curves, but it’s becoming too comfortable, in too many ways to get into. Not to mention, I currently have fewer than 15 hours a week, and make barely over $200 a month. At the moment, I’m lucky enough to not have a lot of expenses to worry about. This will not always be the case, and I need to get myself into a job with more responsibilities at least, if not more of a future. Also, I have no savings to speak of, and that’s just unacceptable.

[o] Amp up the social. During this past funk, the only personal interaction I had, outside of work and school, was my weekly dinner with my father. This is simply not enough—hell, Dad would even agree! I am going to make a serious attempt to have more breakfasts with my mother, more lunches with friends, and try to find another meal in there somewhere with Dad. Will this be easy, with my complicated schedule? A-no. Will it be worth it, in terms of laughter, communication, support, love, and overall good times? Hell. Yes.

As I said, not many rules, but I’m working very hard at following them. Sadly, this week has so far not worked out according to plan. The shitty weather and minor health issues have combined their efforts to drain me of energy, both mental and physical, and yesterday was the first one this week where I actually worked out (although I did Body Test Monday and Tuesday to keep up an accurate record of measurements). I didn’t go to class Monday or Tuesday, either. While I did have a few hours of work on Monday, I left an hour early with an uneasy stomach. That same stomach deprived me of decent sleep for three nights in a row (although Tuesday night was definitely better than previous nights), and only really settled down Wednesday morning.

I won’t call this week a bust, because there’s still two days left before the weekend, which should be nice. Today I have work, see my therapist, and have my first and only class for the week; tomorrow I have work, dinner with my father (the first in two weeks), and possibly see an art show my friend has put together in Windham. Saturday, Ryan and I celebrate our two-year anniversary*. Sunday is a memorial for my Uncle Bill, who died a year ago—with my family, it promises to be lovely, with fun and laughter among the tears and memories.

While the rest of the week is not guaranteed to be wonderful, it is neither guaranteed to be lousy, and I must remember that.

*Ryan’s and my anniversary is, officially, February 29th, a.k.a. Leap Day. That is my fault. I thought it was cute at the time, and I’ll have to live with it. Last year we celebrated on March 1st, as my father’s birthday is the 28th and taking that day to celebrate would be just a wee bit selfish. This year, March 1st is a Monday, which includes class for me, and one Justin’s weekly visits and an important raid for Ryan. So: Saturday the 27th.

There we go. My new rules, and too much background to go with them. The usual for me.

I like this posting-multiple-days-in-a-row thing, maybe I’ll see how long I can keep it up...

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

What Else Is Goin' On, 2/24/10 Edition

What else is going on with me:

…well, winter just won’t die, if that’s anything new. Looking back over the past, oh, 24 winters of my life, I’m fairly confident in making a self-diagnosis of SAD—Seasonal Affective Disorder. Every year, when spring rolls around, I get this blast of Happy and I feel like I can do anything—this is partly due to spring, yes, and partly due to the fact that the prior season left me feeling like I can do nothing, and that’s perfectly fine, I’ll just curl up on the couch and stare at a screen and turn into a spud, thanks.

To revel in the negative for a moment: I’m sick of being cold, I’m sick of wearing layers, I’m sick of frost-heaving back roads, I’m sick of dry skin and of small cuts never healing, I’m sick of wet socks and pant hems, I’m sick of hat-tangled hair, and I’m sick of having to deal with all off it whenever I want to leave the house. SICK. OF ALL OF IT. DONE.


On a positive note, I actually have been more physically active in the past month and a half than in a long time. The day after Christmas, with Christmas money, I went out and bought a Wii Fit Plus. Ryan and I currently have Justin’s Wii on semi-permanent loan, so all I had to buy was the game and board, yay!

It’s been a slow, stuttering start, but I’ve been using the thing more days of the week than not. When I first recorded my information, the game gave me a BMI reading in the lower ends of overweight. In the past two weeks, measuring almost every day, I’ve been hitting normal more and more often (weight can fluctuate two pounds from day to day, just due to food intake or other factors). My current goal is to lose a very modest five pounds by March 10th, and I’m making slow but sure progress.

The best part is the fact that I’m changing. My body shape is slowly but surely changing, my waist and belly getting subtly smaller. My muscles are growing, both in size and number, most notably in my thighs and calves. Exercises that used to knock me out don’t hurt quite as much as they used to—they still do, trust me, but less so!

I am getting stronger and healthier, and it feels fantastic.

On a geekier note: I’ve become even more of a WoW nerd. I hit 80 with my Blood Elf Mage, and I’ve spent the past two weeks gearing up, getting my rotation down, creating macros, fine-tuning my stats, and learning raids. I’ve also been making friends in the guild, since I can actually run dungeons and raids with them without it being a welfare-run to get me desperately needed gear or badges.

…to translate: I hit the cool part of the game, and it’s meant being geekier and more social. Yay!

Still, even with that, and the working out, this season has been getting me down. I have been in a pretty annoying funk for most of this month. For a small while, I was having really annoying and upsetting mood swings—I’d go from pleasant to enraged at the drop of hat. Literally, I’d go to place a hat, and it’d fall, and I’d get spitting-mad-frustrated. Or something wouldn’t close or open properly, or I’d bump into something, or any number of small, stupid things that would set me off for no reason other than You’re Not Doing What I Asked Of You, Stupid Object.

Fortunately, that seems to have scaled down by a large amount, so I’m in a much calmer funk. Hooray.

Overall, I’d love to blame the weather and the season entirely for the rut, but that wouldn’t be entirely fair. Part of it has just been me.

Last Thursday, I had work from 10 to 2 while the boss had a business meeting. I had a few hours to myself, just me and the computer, in the slowest part of the day. The funk had been deepening as the week went on, so I was feeling pretty crappy. In a rare moment of I don’t even know what, I opened up a notepad and started yelling at myself. I gave myself a damned good talking to about feeling sorry for myself, and not doing anything about it, and sitting on my butt, and so on.

This has again grown long, so tomorrow I’ll post the aftermath: my new set of rules for Getting Off My Butt, Literally & Figuratively.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What's Goin' On, 2/23/10 Edition

I started writing this last month, before the current semester had even started. Opened it again today, and had to edit it a bit. At any rate, this is my life right now:

Work is…the same. I’m not working Monday nights anymore, my schedule is just Fridays from 11-12-1ish to closing (when I start depends on the day), and Saturday from open to close. I find that I actually really miss working on Monday nights. In theory, the same regulars that work out that night work out on Friday night, so it should be the same. Except for two things: first, I work a longer day on Friday, so by the time they come in I’m ready to go home; second, it’s the end of the week, and they’re feeling the same way. I’m seeing way less of my favorite regulars, and I’m just feeling…apathetic toward work in general.

Although: last week and this week, I’ve gotten some more hours, due to my boss having outside obligations. There’s a chance I may start working on a weekday again, at least for a few hours before class. I’m kinda hoping—both for money, and for Time Out Of The House That’s Not Class.

I’ve also been doing housecleaning for my mom, who has big back problems and can’t do as much as she used to. Of course, I say I’ve been doing it, but I’ve only done one day of it. Weather, school, and lack of energy have made it rather difficult to get over there with enough time to be actually useful. But I’m trying!

The reason I’m no longer working Monday nights is because of my classes: only available times for the two classes I need* are at night, MW from 6 to 9, TR from 7 to 10. Shoot me now.

*I actually have three classes left in the program, but Graphic Design filled up insanely quickly (I blame the way the computer set up the registration, but that’s a rant I won’t start).

Which leads me to the next school sub-topic: The Next Step. This has been a bit of a saga the past month.

I was looking at the colleges in the area (namely UConn and ECSU), focusing on the availability of three areas: Marketing, Editing, and Graphic Design. UConn has an official Marketing degree, enough classes for me to throw together an Editing degree through an Individualized Major, and the same deal for Graphic Design (there is a “Communications Design” major, but (a) it’s less graphic and more all-around design, and (b) the admission requirements are out of my reach). ECSU has a Visual Design minor, and enough classes for me to make a Marketing Individualized Major, but that’s it. So UConn looked to be winning.

Then this semester started, with the Advanced Computer Graphics class. Very first class period, we watched a short movie on a digital artist named Bert Monroy. This short blew my mind, and had me scraping my jaw off the floor. The digital paintings this man does are ridiculous, in terms of beauty, detail, and staggering talent. That picture on the front page of the web site? That’s not a photograph, that’s a painting, made entirely in Illustrator and Photoshop. Ridiculous.

That short got my mind working, and I did another poke at UConn and ECSU for anything involving digital media. Somehow, on my first search, I had missed the Digital Art and Design concentration at ECSU; reading it over, I fell in love. With the classes, with the program as a whole, and, thanks to alumnus Ryan, with the college.

Just this morning, not half an hour ago, I pulled together enough energy to do the Online Application - Transfer on the ECSU Online Services page. Thought I’d fill out as much as I could, and find out what else would needed to be done to actually apply.

Next thing I know, it’s saying I’m all done and hit this button to send it off. So I did. Surprisingly fast and easy, and I’m actually feeling a little dizzy because of it. It appears that all I have left to do is fetch my high school and MCC transcripts and send them off, and I’m set.

I’ve applied to college. … Eek!

Funny side note: There was a College Transfer Fair at MCC two weeks ago, and I popped by it to grab some material off the ECSU table. One of these materials was a postcard to send in asking for more information on a given major. One of the blanks to fill in on the postcard, along with name and address and college and what-have-you, was credits earned thus far. I went to my online MCC transcript to find out.

I have 84 credits. After this semester, I will have 90. 90 mothereffing credits. Every one earned at Manchester Community College.


This has gotten a bit long, so I shall save the rest of the post (What Else Is Goin’ On, 2/24/10 Edition) for tomorrow.

Monday, February 1, 2010