Monday, February 21, 2011


Today was a long, hard day.

Slept like crap. Started the work day with several reminders of the upcoming transfer. HUGE order came in, cramming the back room with boxes which were solely my responsibility to check in and put away (fortunately, Shift B immediately dove in to help when he came on...2 1/2 hours later). Spent the day feeling bitter about my job. Cold, windy and gray day turning into a freezing blizzard that I had to drive home through. Returned home to find homophobic crap on my event wall. No response from an upset and depressed friend since last night.

In a word, my day was overwhelming.


Trying to focus on positives. Trying to look forward. Trying to get to bed really early tonight so I'm not up until the wee hours of the morning staring into the darkness with a depressed and overactive mind.

Wish me luck.

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