Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ryan & Ruth: Now With More Commitment!

Today's Accomplishment List:

[x] open joint account with Ryan. Aren't we cute. It's almost entirely for convenience, the ability of one person to go and buy groceries even if their paycheck hasn't come through yet/the person with the bank card is working/etc.
[x] bought cookware so we can actually...you know...cook!
[x] start process of balance transfer to credit card that won't break me!
[x] call Post Office to find out why the furk they were leaving mail but not taking it. Lady who answered said she'd ask our carrier, suggested we find a method to signal the carrier that we have outgoing mail. Funny, I thought maybe they were supposed to check the box or something.
[x] finish W9 process for backprint so Dad and I can actually make some money with our photography. This was much simpler than I thought it was, hence it taking so long for me to get around to. Now it is done, and we can start doing stuff with backprint!
[o] calling Dad to fill him in - failed at that. Combination of busy and exhausted. Tomorrow before I go to work!
[o] laundry, specifically my work pants - no time!
[o] move prescription from Connecticut CVS to Indiana CVS - never got to it, sadly. Tomorrow before I go to work!
[o] more editing for DS - nope.

Other good things: slept in, got some reading time, got dinner at Polito's, which turns out to have AMAZING pasta.

Ryan is very excited about the new cookware (various pots and pans and two knives), and is eager to go out and get some food to cook on it. Lately, I've been coming home too tired to even think about food, so he's going to start having something ready for me when I arrive, even if it's just a sandwich. He's such a good Ryan. :)

Tomorrow is back to the grindstone (until Sunday!). It's also David's birthday! I will be calling him first thing to let him know that he's the best stepdad ever, and I really did get him a card, but he won't get it for a few days because of the aforementioned postal idiocy. XD

And now--bed!

1 comment:

  1. What sort of mailbox do you have? If you don't have a little flag to put up, stick a clothespin or a binder clip (or a cute magnet if it's metal!) on the lip of the mailbox when you have outgoing mail.

    Think of it this way - how does the mail carrier know if that stack of letters is actually outgoing mail, or the mail that you've left in your box for three days? Stopping and checking every single box that has a piece of mail would take forever.
